MovieChat Forums > Earth Girls Are Easy (1989) Discussion > this movie is good for a acid trip

this movie is good for a acid trip

i was watching this at 3am last night while i was token it up. wow man, powerful *beep* i thoroughly enjoyed seeing geena davis. she's fabulous. i love weed. weed should so be legal. anyway.. firs time seeing this movie.. first impression.. woah man, i have to see this again. case in point this movie is great for hallucinations. rock on.


I completely agree.....I too was watching this movie at 3 am.........that sex scene between the two of them, was seriously hallucination worthy.


That's exactly what my brother said when I told him about it. I definitely needa watch it with weed next time...


lol hell yesss :P



ladies and gentlemen I think the OP is none other than Woody himself

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


I didn't know ACID & WEED were the same things.



Because anything imaginative, strange or artistic must automatically correlate with drugs. Weak-minded much?

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


wow, dude this movie absolutely sucks, dont bring your artistic integrity bias in her.

Ezekiel 25:17


I agree, it sucks. What's your point?

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


if people enjoy this movie more with a head full of acid, so be it, live and let live man

Ezekiel 25:17


I never once said they weren't entitled. However, I'm also entitled to think they're idiots.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


I think people should'nt be entitiled to their oppinions unless their well versed on what their oppinion is...but thats just my oppinion... =/

You ever tried any "drugs" dev? chem. compounds that alter the state of consiousness? according to most common science books...and according to OTHER not so common books...quite a few "drugs" are rather enlightening...Salvia, ACID!, mushroooms, Peyote, even Ecstasy from time to time depending on what its based with...thats just a few, dont believe me? google it...

so before you going around calling people WEAK MINDED and such....get your facts straight...5 out of 10 doctors will tell you dropping a single tab of acid will expand your mind! although they wont suggest it....

just my oppinion though I guess...

P.S. Google DMT
or Dimethyltryptimine...its the strongest hallucinogen known to man and its produced in small quantities in our brains...close-minded much?


Right... everyone wants to "expand their mind" while watching a musical comedy. I'm sure that's the reason most of these college kids drop acid/shrooms/other psychoactive agents during a dumb movie, not to have a good time, but to explore the secrets of their subconscious and unlock hidden mental faculties that amplify the thought process.

I have no idea how any mind-altering substance could make this movie more enjoyable unless it's generally intoxicating. Eraserhead is another story.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


---Right... everyone wants to "expand their mind" while watching a musical comedy. I'm sure that's the reason most of these college kids drop acid/shrooms/other psychoactive agents during a dumb movie, not to have a good time, but to explore the secrets of their subconscious and unlock hidden mental faculties that amplify the thought process. ---

hahaha very well said.

I should also note that there are certain drugs I love - weed being one up until a month ago. Dunno how long I can last away from it.

Acid and Eraserhead. Thats a scary thought.


I'm a bit confused.

Wouldn't the mental or physical affects of taking Acid, or smoking weed be different?

Have you also done acid while watching this movie or just weed?

A man can change his stars


Have you ever done acid!? You want something that is trippy but will touch you at the same time. Into the Wild, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Where the Wild Things Are, 127 Hours, etc... NOT some crappy 80's movie filled with terrible acting, song and dance numbers that make no sense, and Julie Brown. You will freak out and want to rip your own face off if you watch this flick on LSD... Or you'll just get bored and turn it off. Either way.

Side note, for anybody who is interested, I watched The Weatherman with Nic Cage on acid once... I've never laughed so hard in my life.


Nope I don't do drugs. Drugs are bad...Mkay?

Come visit my



AN acid trip.


I think the last time I saw this was in the 80s and i didnt like it then, in fact, thought it was geh. But it was on the other night on antenna tv, lol, and quite enjoyable, for all its 80s paraphenalia. I didnt know it was jeff goldbloom and jim carey at first until they were made over which made me laugh, theyre all so young looking. geena has a banging body in this. very light hearted, happy ending and the song by julie brown was dorked out in the 80s now made me happy cause of how that sheet would never fly these days. such differenr times were living in now. "cause im a blond, yeah, yeah, yeah!" hAAAAA! f yeah! please someone make a time capsule so we can all go back to the 80s excess, happy, partying ways. I was saying to my friend, im glad Im not on any drugs because some of the scenes were very trippy, when she was dreaming after the sex scene. my ativan was kinda kicking in then. What happened to her? she is so beautiful and cute. She should do more movies!
