Opening credits song?

I have (and love) the Julie Brown song "Earth Girls Are Easy" but I cannot find even a mention of who sang the totally different song of the same title during the opening credits. Anyone know? It's been bugging me for years. Sometimes I just put on the opening credits on repeat in the DVD player so I can listen to it but that's just not good enough!


It's produced and performed by the godlike Nile Rodgers who has written countless pop classics throughout time. From Like a Virgin to Get Lucky with Daft Punk. This version of the song is available on the Earth Girls Original Soundtrack. The Julie Brown one is also great! Now if only I could find the song that plays when the aliens first enter Val's house and the audio is composed of the sounds being made around the house. The moment where they're impersonating Elvis in the mirror because of the shampoo and the melody playing behind them is forever burned into my mind.


i can hear it in my head now haha. Thanks for the info! Now where can I find the original soundtrack??? Pretty sure everything I found on Amazon did not include the opening credits earth girls song. Hmmmmmm....
Assuming you have the DVD? Best special feature ever with Jeff Goldblum's costume test.

Tonya, the crowbar says so
