all the drugs names

I remember a momment in the movie that Bob (I think) start naming all the drugs / medicines that he´s used to buy.
I even took note of all those names, but I lost this list.
Does anyone here know the names of all those medicines?????
Does anyone here can help me?
my email is [email protected]
Thanks a lot.... cheers from Brazil


The ones they used at the start were referred to as "Blues" - blue pills containing Oxymorphone.

He then sells some Morphine to David (the scrawny guy who lives over the street), in exchange for Methamphetamine/"Speed".

His big score was 'Dilaudid' - the brand name for Hydromorphone. The same drug that he gave to Farther Murphy, and the one that Nadine 'took a little too much of'.

All of them are essentially the same; they're all opiates (hence the often-used terms 'dope' and 'junkie') and provide pretty much the same effects with a few minor differences; potency, duration of effects, intensity of certain effects/side effects.

Just watched the film, there were probably a few more but those are the definitely the main ones. I can't remember the exact scene you were talking about however.


Dude, don't think they had a Oxymorphone pill at the time. Opana just came out maybe 2 years ago.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


Oxymorphone was marketed as Numorphan in the 1960s & 70s by Endo, maker of Opana, as a blue instant release 10 mg. tablet. A crushed pill in a spoon, a little water & heat and you had the most mind blowing buzz in your life. Whether you lived through 10 mg was an entirely different matter. Withdrawn from the market in the mid 70s oxymorhone was available only as a 2mg suppository or as a liquid injectable to be used in hospital settings only until Opana was introduced in 2007.


Ya, I know about Numorphan, but dude it is FAR strong enough too just eat. I don't like or use needles. By the way, you probably shouldn't talk about shooting up on a movie/tv board, that's what drug forums are for man.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


This is a hardcore movie about hardcore drug addicts using hardcore drugs. Not out of line at all.


Damn, that was a little unnecessary.


Go OD and do this world a favor.

You dont even know what he needed the list for.


Hydromorphone is delicious.
I wish i had some on me :)




wrong. it converts to morphine once it crosses the blood barrier... all opiates convert to morphine, not hydromorphone. just droppin some facts for ya :P

"He chose ... poorly."


He was right, you are in fact wrong. Poser. Hydrocodone does not convert into morphone. You can pass a GC-MS urine analysis after using oxycodone or several of the opioids that do not convert into morphine. What does that mean? Quite a few opioids do not metabolize into morphine.

CopyPasta, but, here: "Hydrocodone is biotransformed by the liver into several metabolites, and has a serum half-life that averages 3.8 hours.[4] The hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP2D6 converts it into hydromorphone, a more potent opioid. CYP2D6 poor metabolizers (~10% of the Caucasian population) have a reduced capacity for this metabolic pathway, and so might receive a reduced analgesic benefit from the drug. However, the pharmacodynamic profile of the drug in these individuals indicates that the effects of hydrocodone are largely independent of its conversion to hydromorphone.

Google before you "drop knowledge" on folks. This is why drugs are illegal, misinformed dopes ruining it for everybody else.

I just shot Marvin in the face!


Ah, you are wrong, damn wrong. Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, and Oxymorphone are all derived from Thebaine. Only Morphine, Fentanyl and Heroin are made from Morphine. Next time know what your talking about before you call someone wrong.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


God, I'm tired of all the dicks on here.
You can go *beep* yourself. He could be a student doing a school project for all you know

