Best Van Sant film?

Anybody else think this is the best Van Sant film? (Well on a par with Elephant)

"The task of art today is to bring chaos into order." - Theodor Adorno


Maybe. "Your Own Private Idaho" is also very good.

You don't know where I've been.


Ridiculous. Good Will Hunting was far and away his best film!

Elephant was garbage.


I fail to see how my opinion is ridiculous but okay.

Yeah I like Good Will Hunting, a fantastic screenplay for sure, and a solid film.

Elephant was great! But not for everyone. - Vote History


"Ridiculous. Good Will Hunting was far and away his best film!"

Just because Good Will Hunting was his most commercially successful film doesn't make it his best. Some even considered him selling out by making that.


I love this movie, but my favorite Van Sant movie (so far) is Paranoid Park.

Check out my film reviews:


For me it's a three way tie between "Good Will Hunting", "Milk" and "My Own Private Idaho". "Mala Noche" and this one are close though.


Well thank's for the help guys. I've seen MOPI, Drugstore Cowboy and Gerry and thought they were all great (yes, even Gerry). I come here to decide which of his to watch next and you all pick a different film!



Having not seen Elephant, I'm going to declare that few directors in their lifetime make anything as astonishing as My Own Private Idaho. It's Van Sant at his most personal, creatively-inspired, and artistically-liberated, anchored by a remarkable performance from River Phoenix.

It's truly a breathtaking achievement with few peers. With Mala Noche and Drugstore Cowboy, he was just warming up. Since, despite a lot of fine work, he has never come close to scaling that summit. It's like everything came together for Van Sant with this one, and he spared no energy in throwing himself mind, body, and soul into it.

"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino


Good will Hunting. Inspiring & unforgettable.


I agree with the OP, this is his best work. Though My Private Idaho is not far behind, and neither is...... To Die For. Good Will Hunting?! That was his Spielberg movie..

Alcoholics Don't Freeze, They Chill


It is certainly my favorite of his films and one of the best performances Matt Dillon ever gave...Dillon is also good in Factotum.


Long time no post here, but no-one has mentioned Last Days.
I have seen several Van Sant films but am not particularly a fan of his, nor of Kurt Cobain (nor of heroin).
However, that film is a masterpiece of direction and editing.


I didn't really care for this film. His best is probably Elephant.

Good Will Hunting of course is the most mainstream and a film I really enjoy.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
