drugged out?

is it just me or did the producer or director or whoever..make it seem like dinger was a wacky junkie? kinda mimicking corey haims real life at the time? im only 15 so this is the first time im seeing the movie..tell me wat u think


LOL I always thought he acted a little "off" in that movie too... but honestly, I'd say if anything, Corey Haim probably was high on something, so that's why he came across with such a glazed look on himself...


the whole movie, as i remember, seems to be in a daze of something.


I think it was on I Love the 80's they said he was on cocaine pretty bad at the time this was made.


I think you need to pay better attention in grammar class.


apparently they were on drugs at the time, so that's why digger looked spaced out cos he was spaced out.


Corey Haim was the one drugged out. He was addicted to muscle relaxent's.
I saw an interview with him on TV and he was incoherent.


He was but still a fun watch with him in it. He admitted he was likely using while shooting this.


According to the trivia, both Haim and Feldman were SUPPOSEDLY using crack cocaine and heroin at this time.
