Funny thing I remembered

I think it was funny that Frank/Corbin Bernson set up this whole robbery and they robbed it perfectly without him. What would have been his role in this crime if he was there? But I still loved this movie, I remember as a kid dying of laughter when Corbin Bernson screamed, "I went in a circle" and of course Ed O'neil was hilarious.


Frank's moan of pain when he falls into that hole always makes me laugh.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


Lou Diamond Phillips character almost making it over the fence...but then catching his foot and falling - cracks me up every time!

"Zombies, man. They creep me out."


I love that fall over the fence, never sure if it was scripted or accidental but it always makes me laugh every time.
I recently got this on dvd and introduced a friend to it and he loved it too.

"I am Godzilla, you are Japan"


I've introduced my wife to tons of movies she'd never heard over the last 13 years, e.g. Midnight Run, The Sting, The Taking of Pelham 123, The Drowning Pool and Harper, and, of course, Disorganized Crime. We quote lines from these and other movies every "....and the other one....George...well, he wasn't wearing any pants!".
