Boarding school syndrome

This is fairly common among former students in the UK who boarded from an early age.


Anyone here ever heard of it?


What is "boarding school syndrome?"

You got your mind right, Luke?


Did you go to Flannan's by any chance? I was good mates with some of the boarders but I've never even heard of BSS.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


To quote Wikipedia:

The term is used to identify a set of lasting psychological problems that are observable in adults who, as children , were sent away from their home at an early age to boarding schools.


I hope that answers your question


Yes, it does answer my question. Do you think the problem exists in boarding schools today? It seems that with proper supervision by the staff, the issues would be avoided.

You got your mind right, Luke?


As much as I wouldn't want to trade my childhood for anything, part of me can't help but be curious - and a little envious too - with regard to those who went to prep school. I just imagine one making lifelong friends there - not to mention receiving a fantastic education.


I went to an elite boarding school. I didn't like it very much until I was a senior, but I did get a great education. Our school was about 50% day student, and I think the day students were really lucky, they got the education but had the freedom of not being shut in a boarding school. I lost track of most of my friends but that is because I went to college in California.

Like I said, I might not have liked it at the time but I appreciate the education I got. It was very hard to just get into the school I went to, and there was definitely a ton of work.


Not unusual... within six months of leaving I was out of touch with 90% of my year because many were on other continents or countries, within six years all the pupils I'd known from the years below me had dispersed as well from the country. I have pretty much nothing to do with anyone I was at school with, although there are two or three I bump into occasionally.

Of course when I was at school, we had no mobiles, no internet, and so when I left it was hard to keep in touch. But on the other hand I was glad to see the back of some of them, since I neither liked them nor were they any use to me.

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