Why Nicole , why?

Why did you ruin your face, you were so beautiful in your younger days with your porcelain skin and natural curls.
And somehow not only has her face got worse over the years but also her acting.



Why do these multi-millionaire actors and actresses get such bad plastic surgeries? Maybe if Kidman waited until 2010 or so, she'd be better off. Look at older Korean actresses, you can't even tell. She should've practiced some restraint.


After watching Dead Calm again it really shows what a fresh and different style Nicole Kidman brought to the movies. She must have also been a bit of an idol for ladies with red hair and very fair skin, something not seen often in the movies, especially back then.

Dead Calm was one of her very last films before going to Hollywood and she must have at some stage felt pressure to keep up with the trends and styles.


Because when you can afford "the best" that plastic surgery has to offer, the temptation is too much for many, so they forget about aging gracefully. That said, I'm big on freedom of choice, self-care, etc, so if plastic surgery is what you want and what you think will make you happy, then go for it
