The love between father and son

What sticks in my mind and heart after so many decade since seeing this film is the sheer wonder I felt at how loving Jeremy is with his son. To call one's son sweetheart and dear seemed so foreign to me, It struck a chord that still lingers. It set a tone I wished to see in my own marriage, to see my husband speak sweetly to my son, having never seen this growing up in my family with my father. It is a gift, really to see this. A rarity.


Yes, I had the same feelings watching the movie recently (I can't quite remember if it's the same in the book, I haven't read it since I was a kid). It is very rare to see such fatherly gentleness and love depicted onscreen, especially towards sons. It's sad that boys don't receive the same tenderness as girls do. The brutish and repressed masculine stereotypes these days aren't really ideal.
