Tracey Thurman/Cry for help

Hello everyone,I really like this movie.This is the best movie on LMN.I have been looking for a copy on DVD But I cant seem to found one.IF ANYONE KNOWS WHERE I CAN FOUND IT PLEASE E-MAIL ME AND LET ME [email protected].I really want my husband to see this movie.He thinks it will be girlie.I tryed to tell him it is about a woman who is abused by her husband.NO MY HUSBAND IS NOT LIKE THAT I JUST WANT HIM TO WATCH IT WITH ME.




I have an issue with this movie. The scene in which Tracey is sitting in the kitchen with her baby and Buck comes in and starts screaming at her. How could the director/producers whatever subject that sweet little boy to such violence. I mean, think about it. Here we have a what? 2 year old little boy who doesn't understand Nancy and Dale and just acting in a scene, and is traumatised by Dale's screaming!!. I can't understand that at all!. I think it's abuse in itself to do that. What does a 2 year old kid know? Was he told to scream and cry like that on cue? I don't think so. Input please??

All Work and no Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy


Hi Ladybulma yes I have a copy of it but it has commercials. Unfortunately I only have it on VHS would that be OK?

All Work and no Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy


This movie is not available on DVD and I do not think it ever will be. This is a very hard to find movie. I found a new VHS copy on Ebay and paid $20.00, which was the lowest bid. Everyone wants this movie so I do not know why it isn't released on DVD. Buck Thurman was released from prison and I am hoping that Tracey has not been affected by this. He should have been in jail for life but it happened in the 80's, when justice never prevailed. LOOK FOR A COPY OF THIS MOVIE ON EBAY AND YOU MIGHT FIND ONE!! I DID!! You can just type in Tracey Thurman and the movie will probably be found, if not type the whole movie name. This movie/woman gave me courage to leave a bad relationship. THANK YOU TRACEY!!

