Every woman should watch!!!

Every woman should watch this show. I lived this hell for 9 years and I am happy to say I survived it with my 3 kids from a previous marriage without any long term physical scares just emotional ones, but it has made my kids stronger. I have just ordered this movie so I can show it at the women's shelter in my town and specifically to a young 20 year old girl who is in danger hopefully this movie will show her only things I could say to heR. I was so overwhelmed when I saw the end of the show with the cop I nearly had a heart attack. I was in the hospital from an attack by my husband then and a nurse came in and turned on my tv sat my bed up and told me it was time to watch some tv and left. I walked out of the hospital with the clothes on my back for the last time and never went back with the help of alot of family and friends I survived.

