MovieChat Forums > Chances Are (1989) Discussion > My review added here...

My review added here... re-1989/


What makes Chances Are so enjoyable is the genuine affecting sweetness of Corinne’s longing for her long-dead husband, the lively and potent chemistry between Shepherd and Downey Jr, and the quietly gentle comedy that always goes for tenderness and avoids big laughs just for the sake of garish entertainment.

How true that is. You know I've been pleasantly surprised at how many people have said Chances Are was what made them RDJ fans; I thought I was the only one. I mean even Howard Stern started gushing over it once, lol.

"Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind."


Ha - that's funny! (@ Howard Stern). And yeah, it's good to know there are more of us who loved RDJ in Chances Are. Thank you for taking the time to read my review!
