MovieChat Forums > The Big Picture (1990) Discussion > Lydia Johnson- epitome of hipster!

Lydia Johnson- epitome of hipster!

This film came out in 1989, long before the ressurge of the much maligned "hipster" counterculture, or subculture if you may. However LIndsay-played fantastically by Jennifer Jason Leign pretty much defined the ideal hipster from her philosophy right down to the way she dressed. Her interest in off-beat music and the house she lived in only added to this persona.It's funny how media pundits coin a term and society starts applying it. You cannot pigeon-hole an individual.

And no, I amno hipster nor a hipster sympathizer.


In the 50s, they were called beatniks. And that was Jennifer Jason Leigh doing Jennifer Jason Leigh - always fantastically off beat.


fantastically off-beat, very much so.
