Best Line

When Bob is ordering some chicken. They ask him what he wants, a leg, a breast?

Bob "two faces" (in Bob's voice of course)

Love this film. I watched it so long ago and so many times. I wonder if its as good as I remember it.


The two faces line is one that my friends and I quote all the time but my favorite is when he is talking about the vacuum cleaner I believe (been awhile since I have seen the movie) and he says he likes it cause it has two speeds, vvvrrrrmmmmmmmmm and VVVVVVVRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMM. That part kills me.


"Oh boy"

*points to crotch*


bounce banana. its a joke


I like a lot of them...

Bob: "Telephone, call, 411 for information, 911 for help, 976 for good time."

Diane: "What's this?"
Bob: "Dress."
Dr. Webster: "And who wears the dress?"
Bob: "Pope."

Bob: "What part of body this?"
Diane: "Oh boy."
Bob: "Oh boy."

Bob: "Mocha-malooga-looga-Kathy-Kathy."

Bob: "Bounce ball."
Alex: "No bounce ball."
Bob: "Throw ball!"

Alex: "First it's chocolates, then nylons, I have a reputation to maintain, I can't just jump in the sack with every Tom, Dick and Quasi Motto that comes along."

Bob: "Baby, dress, underpants!"

Bob: "Love conquers all, love is what dreams are made of, love, love sucks! *telephone rings* Now what?"

Bob: "Bob want to apologize."
Policeman: "For what?"
Bob: "For this!" Bob knocks two policemen's heads together.

Bob: "Why is my face leaking?"

Bob: "Throw plate!"

Diane: *to Dr. Fisk* "If I were Bob I would choke you unconscious!"

There were a lot of great lines in that movie.


The Greatest movie Line ever:

"Out of the Way Fruit!"


I agree that there are a LOT of great lines. I like:
"What kind of fool do you take me for?"
"What are Bob's choices?"


when he's watching the a quiz show on TV

Are things you lick

Are things you don't lick. Gets me every time

Oh and when he whine 'chocolate!'


Didn't he also say he made love to a Dodge Charger?

[email protected]


I havent seen it in a while either but i thinks its the washing machine not a vaccum.


Cathy hurt, Cathy hurt.
::Crashes into a bike rack::
Bob hurt, Bob hurt.


-yeh, I agree! 'Bob HURT!' lol!


Best line in the movie by far

BOB not know

great answer for when someone asks ya


Here are some lines I like

Bob- Telephone, 411 for information, 911 for help, 976 for a good time.

Alex- (to Bob) I'm really disapointed in you.
Bob- Dog start.
Alex- I don't care who started it.
Bob- (mocking Alex) I don't care who started it.
Alex- Stop it.
Bob- (quietly) Stop it.

Dr. Webster- Can you think of a name you would like to be yours? What?
Bob- Judy Finkel.
Dr. Webster- Well Judy Finkel is a nice name.
Bob- Thank you.
Dr. Webster- But its a woman's name.
Bob- Okay
Dr. Webster- Well its not exactly okay, you should have a man's name. I want you to think of a man's name.
Bob- William F. Buckley
Dr. Webster- I believe there is a William F. Buckley.
Bob- alright, William G. Buckley
Dr. Webster- I think you should have your own name, not the name of someone famous.
Bob- Bob.
Dr. Webster- Bob.
Bob- Bob Maloogaloogaloogaloogalooga, anyone famous named Bob Maloogaloogaloogaloogalooga?
Dr. Webster- I doubt it.


Ofcourse his extra long seranade of "Maga Malooga": "Maga Malooga! Kathy! Kathy!..."

"Two faces"

"No 'tatoes!!!" (when Alex tries to get him to eat potatoes instead of pudding and cake)

"One Malooga. 5 Looga's." (correcting someone on how to say his name properly)

and, finally, the Bob 'cursing' "Fookoolaka!"

STILL funny!


Dr. Webster: I have something I think you'd like to share, Bob.
Bob: Is it a pony?
Dr. Webster: No, it's not a pony, Bob. It's a telegram.
Bob: Damn. (mutters while Dr. Webster talks to the class.) I wanted a pony. Or a hippo. Dammit.

Cabbie: Shtop leeking my nehk!
Bob: Wasn't me. It was dog.



Dr. Fisk: Great, now what do you consider yourself, a wise man or a complete and total fool?
Bob: Complete and total fool!



Not a "line", but the dance when he growls then sings is one of the funniest bits in this underrated 80s gem.


All the lines listed were awesome.

"If Plato said virtue is its own reward, how come his books cost so much money?"

(or something like that. I haven't seen the film in at least 15 years...)

"How could you do this to me, Puff Puff?"


It is such a shame that this hysterical film will never get a dvd release. Some of the best witticisms ive ever seen in a film.

I actually managed to work the "2 faces" joke into my speech as best man at a friends wedding , even with my terribly poor delivery it got the most laughs.

Bob : Kathy kathy kathy kathy....etc
Alex : Well he certainly has a way with worD.
Kathy : why does he keep saying my name over and over ?
Dr Webster: Its repatition as a form of masterbation.
Alex : I know a better one.


'What did people say when they saw you?'
'Yeuchh! Sometimes... Feccck!'
