MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Robert Wuhl (Alexander Knox) never went ...

Robert Wuhl (Alexander Knox) never went on to do anything of note

Do you ever go "what happened to them?" and look them up? I was surprised just how poorly he went post-Batman. His acting was okay, he sort of played the jealous coworker with the unrequited feelings fairly well. You'd think that he would have gone on to play this side-kick character again in something of note, given he was in the biggest movie of 1989.

Now I'm left to wonder how he got this big part in the 1st place? Was he a pal of Burton?


Funny you should mention Wuhl. I rewatched Batman just last week and was wondering exactly the same, what happened to him? I had to look him up as I honestly don't I've seen him in anything since.

All for a box of chocolates...


He played the Oscar MC in The Bodyguard, a few years later.

Plus, he also had memorable supporting parts in Good Morning Vietnam, and Bull Durham, which both preceded Batman by a year or two.


He played the lead in the HBO show Arliss from 1996 to 2002.

He had two great specials called Assume The Position where he taught history from a comedic point of view. I wish they had done more of them.

I've forgotten the name of the episode, but he played himself on an episode of American Dad last year.

Dinosaurs didn't go extinct. Jesus ate them.


Indeed. I don't think "Arliss" ever broadcast in the UK, but I've heard and seen if mentioned in connection to Wuhl a few times. I think Kevin Smith refers to Wuhl as 'Arliss' on his Batman commentary.


Anyone else think Alexander Knox was a similar character to Albert Brooks' character (Tom) from Taxi Driver?


Kind of.

Albert Brooks would have been a great alternative choice for the character, although Tom was a bit geekier and more unassuming than Knox. Knox was a goofball but he also demonstrated a great deal of initiative and courage.


That's true. Even when Tom tried to be heroic he came off as cowardly (yelling for a cop even when Travis was clearly leaving after raging at Betsy).
Knox on the other hand was pretty courageous during Joker's parade attack. Apparently the producers liked him so much they didn't kill him off as originally planned, but I think that was the wrong move. I think a bittersweet heroic death would have worked with Knox.


I like Tom. But he was the definition of ineffectual. Not necessarily a coward per se, but definitely not very assertive.

And I think on balance if made sense for Knox to survive. The first Batman, unlike the sequel, Batman Returns, and TDK, ends on a very triumphant note. That would have been undermined by killing off Knox at the end.


He was in a few notable movies in the 80s before he did Batman which might have gotten him noticed by Burton or the producers. I don't think they were necessarily looking for anyone with star power for that part anyway. Tracey Walter and William Hootkins weren't exactly big stars either.


Maybe he was there to make Michael Keaton look handsome. That's an old trick, hire an unattractive other love interest to make the star look more appealing.


Or maybe Tim just like him.

Originality needs a reboot.


The difference is, the part of 'Alexander Knox' was arguably the fourth lead, after Keaton, Nicholson and Basinger.
