MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > The atmosphere here is great. Same can't...

The atmosphere here is great. Same can't be said about Nolan's films

Nolan's films have better scripts and drama; yes.
But the way Gotham looks in the 1989 and 90's movies is just tremendous.
Giant statues, buildings and whatnot.

I know English a lot gooder than you.


I wouldn't say they had better scripts. They have newer scripts in which more things are allowed to happen and be shown.

This was the first time a main-stream comic book hero was allowed to go dark. But, they couldn't go too dark because it might turn off too many people.

And guess what, that has been a complaint not only of the new Superman movies, but of TDK trilogy as well. They are dark to the point of morose.


But, they couldn't go too dark because it might turn off too many people.

And guess what, that has been a complaint not only of the new Superman movies, but of TDK trilogy as well. They are dark to the point of morose.

That was a complaint that Batman Returns had as well. That movie was so dark, that it even made the Nolan films look light in comparison. Really felt more like a Burton film than a Batman film compared to this one.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


No way they had better scripts, writing every character differently and having their actions, not words, dictate the plot, are the two most basics screenwriting rules, and Nolan is too self-obsessed to follow either.


Nolan films have zero atmosphere and his scripts are always full of the most stupid plotholes.


Nolan's films have better scripts if you count melodrama, pretentious dialogue and overwrought characters as being examples of good writing.

Either put on these glasses or start eatin' that trash can


I think Burtons are far better looking and had far better atmosphere.


I do love Tim Burton's gothic take on Batman :)

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


I agree totally, Batman and Batman Returns stand alone, they are by far the best. I can't imagine these films being made today.
