MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Why does Kim Basinger have to be such a ...

Why does Kim Basinger have to be such a nut-bag in real life?

It's sad that such a beautiful woman like her has to have so many "issues" in real life. It's kind of ironic that when Batman takes her to the Batcave, Kim tells Batman "Well, you aren't exactly normal are you!?"

*Kim hanging out w/ Prince. Don't get me wrong, Prince is a genius of an artist but he isn't exactly "sane" for the most part himself. I mean, Kim's family were legitimately concerned for her well-being (ironically, this was before she hooked up w/ Alec Baldwin) while she was at Prince's place in Minneapolis.

*Kim apparently suffering from really bad bouts of agoraphobia, which meant that she could literally go an entire month w/o leaving her house. Even now, Kim seems to be very reclusive

*Kim being in cahoots w/ PETA:

*Kim's 1991 interview w/ Movieline magazine, where she complains about her salary for Batman (and bringing the term "rape" into the discussion) when compared to what Jack Nicholson made.

*The whole buying the town thing.

*Kim telling Ralph Bakshi that she wanted Cool World (which was originally envisioned to be an R rated animated/live-action horror movie) to be something that she could show sick kids at hospitals that she visited.

*Kim's allegedly bad/diva like behavior on the set of The Marrying Man.

Hell, this whole page from this book details some of the crazier moments from Kim Basinger's life that I missed up on:

And there's this interview for your consideration:



Who wasn't obsessed w/ her back in the day!? 😍


But you seem to only say negative things about Kim. I could understand if you were a fan who wanted to say how wonderful she was.


And what, Kim Basinger doesn't seem deserve to be called out on regarding her more questionable career/life choices!? I mean, please rationalize/explain the woman literally buying a town!


I'm not attacking you TMC-4. But I don't understand why a fan of someone would spend most of their time criticising them rather than saying positive things about them.

I'm not saying I would ignore Kim's more eccentric/questionable behaviour; it's rational to acknowledge it. But you're regularly making multiple posts that simply throw dirt on her talent and personal reputation.


I've already said (perhaps numerous times) that Kim Basinger is one of the most beautiful women in the world (and not just in the history of movies). Isn't that a positive thing? How is me questioning Kim's behavior (maybe Bob Ringwood referring to her as a "horrible woman" on Facebook piqued my interest as well as reading up on her antics on the set of The Marrying Man) any different that questioning other Burton-Schumacher era Batman actors' wacky off-screen behavior like Val Kilmer's or Alicia Silverstone's?


I'm pretty sure or willing to bet that Kim Basinger regardless, at the very least, has avoidant personality disorder.


Who cares? I couldn't care less about Tom Cruise's personal life and think he's a terrific actor. Basinger isn't as good as Cruise (not really saying much as she isn't the best thespian to begin with), but her personal life shouldn't factor into her acting.


"Basinger, Kim. "Has more neuroses than an inbred poodle." Acts like a spoiled infant on- and off-set. Jerk. Recovering cocaine and alcohol addict. Linked with Alec Baldwin (failed marriage), Jeff Bridges, Sean Connery, Eminem, Richard Gere, Michael Keaton, Prince, Robert Redford, Burt Reynolds, and Mickey Rourke."


I remember seeing her on David Lettermen's show promoting a movie called The Real McCoy and she confessed that she hadn’t seen the movie yet and that she doesn’t see most of her movies when they are finished. And if she was at a premiere she would avoid the screening by sitting in the theater manager's office while the film is playing. (The only movie she didn’t do this on was Batman.)


She's not "cool now" with him. She's slamming him and calling him a bully and said she made a mistake in choosing the movie she made with him! If she didn't meet him, she wouldn't have had her daughter which she says she loves so much!!! She's a mental lunatic and he's a wackjob. Surprised they didn't last.

So she married a jerk, had a kid with the jerk, divorced the jerk, and then was a permissive, ineffectual parent to make up for the fact that daddy is a jerk. Got it.

She was very beautiful, now she is getting up there; but she is a nasty neurotic nut of a woman and Alec is a real stand up guy and a success and he had no other option but to dump the Alec has a new wife, very down to earth with new kids, he is a real great guy, even though I don't like some of his politics.

I think all the Baldwin boys are (rhymes with sticks)...but they can act.
Her, I've always admired. She seems more genuine than most celebs...and while she is a bit flaky (she's always admitted she has horrible stage-fright, and is agoraphobic) she's not a bad actress either. (See her portrayal of Eminem's mother in 8 mile.)

She's always been a flake and comes across as not too bright. Marginal talent.


I wonder if Kim is all too aware that her daughter is allegedly into nose candy:


Seems like her career has gone down the drain too.

"See? He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him"-Fluttershy


I'm nervous that we have an obsessed stalker on our hands.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


Threads like these will continue as long as people remain badly educated about the nature of being a movie star or even the nature of being ANY actor. When the 'public' assumes / perceives either an insurmountable gulf OR a kinship between the physical or emotional nature of themselves and a star, they invent strengths or weaknesses in that star that that star has never explicitly professed to have or want.

You do not have the right to call someone so clearly far removed from your own life and CV a 'nut-bag'.
I say 'clearly' because no actor would say that about someone in the same line of work. They do not do the same mundane routine as you might. However some aspects of their job can still be relatively mundane to them. So when the world acts crazily about the latest star without them even having to do anything, whilst claiming to have forgotten stars of a mere 20 years ago, is it any wonder that some aspects of celebrities lives sometimes seem richer and quirkier than the vast majority who never sought, let alone achieved, limelight?


I simply call it the way that I see it, and if it hurts said movie star's feelings, well your profession is being a public figure. And unlike you, I actually make straight-forward messages that aren't trying to be overtly profound.
