MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > How is Batman Returns considered a darke...

How is Batman Returns considered a darker movie than this one?

I've been watching both films on Cinemax lately and I remember reading up on the reviews of both films and reviews from the critics. I remember reading that Batman Returns was viewed as being a more darker film than the original and that parents lobbied to have the next one (Batman Forever) have a lighter more child friendly vibe to it.

After watching both movies, I actually felt the sequel was the lighter of the two in tone and appearance. The original had a dirty, dingy feel to the city, like New York City of the 70s and 80s. The movie starts with the mugging of the parents of a boy. There is cursing and adult language by the Joker and Eckhardt. Joker kills Eckhardt in cold blood as well as Grissom. The Joker gets deformed, kills other mobsters in funny but cruel ways, and he deforms Alicia. Batman himself actually killed a lot of people in the original.

Yet parents complained that Batman Returns was too dark of a film and I've even heard other Batman fans say the sequel is darker. I just don't see it. I would've guessed if parents had the need to lobby against either film, it would've been the original.


I've never understood it either. BR is more tragic, but I've always gotten a darker tone and vibe from Batman '89.

Originality needs a reboot.


Agreed. You actually felt bad for the Penguin and Catwoman as characters in BR given their back stories of how they came to be who they are. Whereas the Joker in Batman '89 was a bad guy before and after the fact. The Joker also seemed to enjoy his kills and toyed with his prey. I'm also pretty sure there are more on screen deaths in the first movie than in the sequel.
I'm surprised Warner Bros allowed Tim Burton to make BR as dark as it was since the first movie was pretty dark. I just don't understand how parents were okay with the first movie and were against the second movie. At least we didn't get the campy vibe of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin earlier on in Batman Returns.


I saw both movies when I was a little kid and Returns felt way more weird and gross. Yes, B89 is a dark movie, but that's just part of its charm. It's still a cool movie with lots of great action, fun characters and cool gadgets to offset the blackness.

Returns on the other hand didn't have a lot of fun characters since Batman is not seen enough, the penguin was grotesque to look at and generally unwatchable & Max Shreck just looks like someone who wondered in from some weird horror film - not fun at all. Catwoman/Kyle was also way more weirder than she needed to be. Crucially, there's not much action in BR at all to counteract all the weirdness.

Batman Returns had stuff about freaks living in sewers and chewing people's noses off etc - it was always darker and less enjoyable than this movie imo.

Motown, get your Detroit jukebox jheri curl ass in this chicken sh!t chop-chop, ASAFP!


I agree the original is dark, but find the sequel darker in tone and, generally speaking, morbid.

Returns opens with two parents sending their deformed baby downriver into the sewer in the dead of there's THAT 

The Joker is disfigured by chemicals, which is disturbing, but his clownish appearance is not hideous to behold. The Penguin, on the other hand, is grotesque and surrounded by scary, sewer-dwelling circus freaks.

The look of BR is also quite a bit more bleak and goth influenced, with a lot of black and white contrast and stark low-light shots, whereas the original actually has a lot of color.

Then there's the undeniably more downbeat and melodramatic ending. The Penguin's bile-spewing corpse getting dragged into the water by sad penguins and Selina's semi-suicide culminate in what is presumably Bruce's most depressing Christmas ever.

In addition, it has a fair share of sexuality and pu$$y jokes. Max Shreck promises the Penguin "Unlimited poontang!"(!) A lot of parents didn't care for that stuff("Mommy, what does 'Unlimited poontang' mean?"), so that's another reason it was labeled not-child-friendly.


Pretty much agree with all of this. It opens up with Bruce sitting all alone, brooding.

I also got the feeling that he wasn't "enjoying" being Batman like he did in the first. I'm referring to when Bob The Goon has a knife and Batman wants him to try to attack and has a wicked grin on his face.

Either way, it is the second best Batman movie, right after Batman '89.


Either way, it is the second best Batman movie, right after--

--Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, and only then Batman 1989.


Either way, it is the second best Batman movie, right after Batman '89.

I agree it's the second best Batman movie, although I put it after The Dark Knight.

1. The Dark Knight
2. Batman Returns
3. Batman '89
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Batman Begins

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


I found The Dull Knight to be "meh" at best. I thought they had a great beginning with Begins, but TDK was way over-rated due to the untimely death of Ledger. Before his death, the choice of him to play Ledger was soundly trashed.

Plus, I feel that Nolan really screwed around with both the Batman and Joker characters. Batman is no longer "The World's Greatest Detective" or a master of several forms of martial arts. And, if you take away Joker's makeup, suit and don't refer to him as "Joker", no one would know which bad guy he was supposed to be.

It was also the sixth time he'd been on film in the modern age of cinema.

By contrast, Batman '89 was the first time he'd been on film for about 50 years and they were limited by what they could do. They could only go so dark in a mainstream comic book movie back then, yet were dark.


I love what Nolan (and everyone else) did with The Dark Knight. I like seeing different takes on characters.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


There are different takes, and then there are ignorant bastardizations of characters.

"The World's Greatest Detective" was going to get a fingerprint off of a bullet (even though you don't load bullets in a way in which it will leave a fingerprint on the slug and even if it did, ballistics and the fire around the bullet would have obliterated it) by shooting four bricks with a random caliber bullet to try to figure out which brick looked like the brick he's holding in his hand.


TDKR was even worse because Batman is such an awesome fighter that he makes guys fall down out of the scene without ever touching them.


FFS. Ignored.

Y'know, people call you an idiot - but I thought you seemed all right. So I actually backed-up one of your opinions - and all you do is go into fckwit-mode. mh-newressistance is right - you probably are ten years old.

Edit: Board looks better already.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


Another butt-hurt Nolantard. Completely avoids the issues and just pouts.

Also, don't go by what mh-newressistance says, he's an out and out racist.


Agreed, The Dark Knight is lame and unwatchable a mere decade after its release.


BR was more tragic, melodramatic, depressing, otherworldly than the first film.

People accused BR of the storyline not being developed or meaningful and straying away from the source material.


Tim Burton would be in agreement with you.

Personally i thought Returns was far more grotesque and twisted, so i always considered it much darker.. but it's also far more playful as well.

Penguin biting someone's nose off for example, the many homages to old horror movies.


I think BR is indeed darker for a few reasons. The main difference is the villains; the Joker, although clearly evil and cruel, was played by Nicholson in a mugging, playful, meant to entertain way while the Penguin was really repulsive and, though she is also played somewhat playfully and trying to entertain, Catwoman was relatively more challenging and creepy.
Also while Batman is messed up in both he seems to be getting better B89 and not in BR and though Gotham looks like a bad place in both the sequel really makes its citizens look stupid and its institutions incompetent.


Are you kidding? The cat scene in BR used to scare the *beep* out of me as a kid. As well as schreks death scene. Most of penguins scenes as well. BR is soooooo much darker than this one!


Saw them both in the cinema when they first came out. I've always found Batman Returns to have a darker feel and a more sombre tone. I've always preferred Batman Returns too.

All for a box of chocolates...
