MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Who were these guys?

Who were these guys?

Does anyone know the character names or who played the two criminals in the very opening of the film? The two guys who robbed the tourist family and then Batman scares them...

Thanks in advance!


The characters are called Nick and Eddie. Nick was played by well-known character actor, Chris Fairbank (who played the Broker in Guardians of the Galaxy), and Eddie was played by George Roth.


In the early 90s I visited Stonehenge, and walking around hand-in-hand with his partner was Chris Fairbank. I took several photos on the day and he's there in the background in a couple of them.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


Ah thanks! I thought the one guy (Chris Fairbank) looked familiar!


He was one of the main characters in the hit British TV show "Auf Weidersehen, Pet".


Nick and Eddie.


Nick n Eddie who were gay lovers
