MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > WB should get Burton back for DCCU!

WB should get Burton back for DCCU!

I'll take him over Snyder or Ayer anyday! Why not let him direct The Flash?


I'd rather Burton had nothing to do with this misbegotten franchise. They should instead hire him for a reboot.


No, they should not hire Burton for a reboot or the current slate of DCEU films, if Warner Bros. wants to compete against Marvel properly they need to stop letting their filmmakers go wild with their imaginations and restrict them to follow the game plan of a cinematic universe and successfully get them to play in their sandbox. This will allow certain directors to broaden their strengths but also limit certain creative liberties, and for visualizes like Tim Burton not be as interesting and well worth their time. Batman '89 was a Tim Burton who was mostly restricted in parts hence why despite all its success he largely prefers its sequel because he was given complete control over it, and while it has its share of fans now it caused WB to rethink the Batman franchise and well we all know the rest.



Burton needs to reboot the crapola n fire all actors associated with it


Burton or Nolan should've directed Batman VS Superman instead of Zack Snyder.

Aerosmith and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


I can't see any way Nolan would have said yes. He's moved on to other things.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.
