MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Is it me or is the original quadrilogy e...

Is it me or is the original quadrilogy entirely forgotten about?

I don't see these films be talked about or shown anywhwere, and it's a shame because they are better than anything nolan or snyder did.


Nolantards want us to forget anything which isn't from Nolan.

The movie is also 27 years old and tarnished by how campy #3 & #4 were.


That is true and unfortunately they have succeeded. Why the hate for 3 and 4?? I'd take them over Nolan and Snyder any day of the week.


Too much "Adam West" and other stupidity.


Still more entertaining than Nolan's Chicago Batman.


It's NOT a quadrilogy. "Forever" and "& Robin" are their own universe in spite of a couple of returning actors.

Batman '89 stills seems to get a lot of respect. Not as much as it deserves, of course (and it's sometimes derided by hipster hacks like Kevin Smith).

Originality needs a reboot.


It IS a quadrilogy, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin take place in the same universe Batman does.


It's arguable. I don't think Burton necessarily considers Batman Forever or B&R to be a continuation of his universe, especially seeing as a new actor takes over from Michael Keaton in those subsequent films.


The Joel Schumacher movies are to me, a soft reboot of the Batman series following Tim Burton's ones. In other words, they could take place in the same continuity (in broad strokes), but for all intents and purposes, they're otherwise, their own thing.


Yes, a soft reboot is probably the best way to describe Batman Forever.


That's a very apropos term for it, whereas Batman Begins was a rock-hard reboot.

Originality needs a reboot.


I think Casino Royale is probably the only movie to have returning actors and characters but be set in its own continuity rather than be a sequel.


to die hard batman fans like me
keaton is THE batman
nichlson is THE joker

michelle pefiffer is THE catwoman

so i have no idea why are you saying that


Because Nolanites deny these movies ever happened and only their god's cr*p is any good.




Paul Reubens just played the Penguin's father once more and Billy Dee Williams is about to reprise his role as Harvey Dent. They're not talked about as much because they're 20 to 30 years old, but tribute is still being paid, they're still relevant to pop culture, despite what fanboys on message boards would have you believe.
