MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Batman is better than most comic book mo...

Batman is better than most comic book movies today

its dark , has a surreal sense of humour , most of the effects look real and batman is more brooding in this

I would say its equal to the awesome Dark Knight trilogy


The Dull Knight trilogy is incredibly over-rated.


Most comic book movies today are a 6/10-6.5/10 for me, which is about the same I'd give this one.


Batman is better than all comic book movies today


My name is Hendry William French


It's the godfather of all comic book movies today and more unique. They put a lot more effort into the script and art direction. No CGI in 1989.


I love this movie, but I don't think the CGI point is valid. There were scenes in which you could tell things were miniature and Joker falling looked cartoonish.

Still one of my all-time favorite movies, but CGI would have helped with a few things here and there.


Miniature is not CGI.

Joker falling (and the initial shot from above of Batman and his shadow) look like poor effects, but not necessarily CGI. There are many film/effects techniques (good or bad) that don't really on computer generation of imagery.


Miniature is not CGI.

I didn't say it was. I said that there were scenes in the movie which were obviously miniature sets. That isn't any different than obvious CGI.

Same with Joker falling. It was obviously a cartoon. How is that better than CGI.

In the end, if they had good CGI back then, they would have used it.

Still love the movie no matter what. 👍


Burton and Nolan's respective versions of Batman are both better than any modern day comic book movie.

Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath is a Brony


Burton paved the way for comic book movies after Superman 1 & 2, but Nolan's movies mostly sucked.

Plus, Marvel is kicking azz left and right. They've shown that comic book movies can be both entertaining and serious without being somber.
