What moron....

...doesn't like this film?
Love it. It's ....................Human.


While I do "like" this movie, I think it's highly overrated because it's a remake of an earlier film which is much better. It irks me no end that the classic films are remade without the slightest nod to the originals, as if the people involved in this project created it themselves out of their own imagination.

Take a moment to look at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0035959/

and this review of Always http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-3976295.html

Yes, Always is a good movie and extremely heart-rendingly touching, but it's a feeble candle to it's original.


I wouldn't call 6.2 highly overrated. In fact, I'd call that underrated. I haven't seen A Guy Named Joe, so I can't compare. I will see it at some point, as I liked this version so much, I'm keen to see the original.

"There's poo in there" - Zack


While I do "like" this movie, I think it's highly overrated because it's a remake of an earlier film which is much better. It irks me no end that the classic films are remade without the slightest nod to the originals, as if the people involved in this project created it themselves out of their own imagination.

Take a moment to look at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0035959/

and this review of Always http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-3976295.html

Yes, Always is a good movie and extremely heart-rendingly touching, but it's a feeble candle to it's original.

Then why not try NOT comparing it to anything and just judging it on its own merits?

Too many perfectly acceptable films over the years have not gotten the credit they deserve because they were compared too much to other things.

Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


I'm that moron. Not that I hated it. Its heart is in the right place. But it is highly erratic, and for that I think you really have to blame Spielberg more than anyone. Characters shift emotional gears all over the plce, they consistently do stupid, erratic, or off the wall things. The dialog lacks. It detracts from what should have been a much stronger narrative.


I think the film tries too hard to please and be a old fashioned romantic film. In retrospect, the casting does not work.

Its that man again!!


Much like real life rather than exaggerated Hollywood.

"The Human mind is like a parachute; It only works when opened."


A great movie, but no movie has ever been made that will please everyone. Those who don't like this film aren't morons. They just have different tastes.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


Very underrated.


Probably die hard cynics and superficial drama junkies.

I'm having fun on a Diana board because in lots of ways, Diana?s life was dreamy and bittersweet like the film.

There are these nutjobs on the Diana board who can't accept that and try to turn Diana's life into a tacky Godfather-style mafia film. ..lol...this is sweet, sensitive Diana on the other board.



Rather a few as it disappointed at the box office.

Its that man again!!


I think it's Spelberg's worst directed film together with 1941 and The Terminal.

It wasn't bad, it was bland. I understand that it was meant to be tribute to old-fashioned romantic melodramas from the classic era, but they tried to much. The film goes nowhere really. it doesn't take off. Interesting plot and idea but they never do anything with that idea. It just stays an idea

I am amazed, but not really surprised, that the rating is as high as 6.4. For me it shouldn't be anything over 6. But this is IMDB after all.


Haven't seen this movie in 20 years. I used to watch a bunch of airplane/submarine movies with my dad since he loved them, including this one. I think I'll track this one down and watch it again.


This was so cheesy I felt embarrassed. But nice aeroplanes.
