Baron DVD vs Blu-Ray

Anyone here own the original DVD release of Baron Munchausen?

I would like to know if it is also cropped to hide Uma Thumans breasts like the Blu-Ray.


I have the region 2 British DVD. It's uncut, it isn't cropped and it's rated PG "for mild peril and innuendo".

Anyone know if the European Blu-ray is cropped?

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan."


Which scene (how far into the film) is that? I can check my European Blu-ray if I just know which scene to check...


uma scene is cropped

Insert @V@T@R


the first BARON DVD was crappy; there was a second special edition 2 disc DVD of the film from Columbia (2004)? that is actually worthy of a Criterion
