Favorite Quote?

What is your favorite quote from this movie?
Mine has to be when Eric Idle's character says "is there a doctor in the fish?" and then makes that face like he knows it's a terrible joke.
I don't know just how he delivered that line cracked me up.


Well... actually mine is not really a line, but an entire scene. Nevertheless, it has to be the one when Berthold is loudly complaining about being left on the moon for 20 years and the Baron is just sitting there and says "Yes". Then Berthold goes "Oh, al right then..." hahaha.. very funny, at least to me :))


also not a line, but right after they took all the gold from Sultans safe. The keeper of the safe does the gesture, which I don't know how is called, but is typical for christians, and not at all for muslims. He sort of makes a cross with his hand. How is it called on english? it was funny, as it was completely and utterly ludicrous.

Also the atomic bomb part.

Pardon my weak spelling, English is not my native language.


When they are on the moon and tie the rope made from Ariadne's hair to one of the crescent's corners and the baron says,

"This is the sort of thing no one ever believes."


King of the Moon: I think, therefore you is.

Sultan: What about the virgins?
Horatio Jackson: Please, forget the virgins. We're out of virgins!

King of the Moon: I'm sorry. You must refer to me by my complete title: King of Everything. Rei di Tutto. But you may call me Ray.

Venus: I am a goddess! I can do what I like!
Vulcan: And I am The God, so shut up!




"you may have my head. I've grown tired of it."



I have 3:
When he calls Horatio Jackson "an ass "
When he yells out Berthold when he first sees the actor supposedly playing Berthold in the beginning..for some reason I love it.
When Berthold says the big black guy "has gone funny"


The whole scene where Oliver Reed's characger Vulcan throws the Baron and his friends in the sea after the Baron dances with his wife.

Reed shouting at Thurman "Shuuut up you trollope!!!" after she has ago at him for dispensing with the Baron.

A great great scene.


I think my only favorite which hasn't been brought up here was the exchange between Horatio and Sting as the Heroic solider, ending with Horatio ordering his execution because such acts of bravery are demoralizing for common soldiers.


My favorite quote from this movie came from the King of the Moon:

[after the King of the Moon's body crashes, his head flies free]

King of the Moon: I'm free! I'm free at last! The body is dead! The body is dead, long live the head, it's finished, finito, heh-heh! Bye, body! Ha-ha! I shall prove a head does not need a body to survive! I am omnipotent, ha-ha! Yes... OH! Oh no, I got an itch! Oh, no! Oh no, oh no... AH-CHOOOOO!

[the force of the sneeze rockets him backwards and out of sight]


yes, "is there a doctor in the fish?" almost made me cry :)
"quick, back in the fish!" was quite funny when he got scared of the Turks :D


King of the Moon: "My kingdom for a handkerchief!"


Right. Well, I have to - I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


King Of The Moon: I just created spring.


King Of The Moon: Oh, I'm going to drive you to China!

Actually, most of his lines were laugh-out-loud hilarious. I especially loved how the covers were pulled back, and he's tickling the Queen's feet for real!


King of the Moon - "I don't have time for flatulence and orgasms!" Or something of that nature. I laughed so hard, I had to pause it.


I once used the quote "You puttana!" for someone I didn't like. That's what the King called his wife after she was with the Baron.



LOL, I saw the heading and was going to reply, "Is there a doctor in the fish" and saw that was your choice!

Nobody's looking for a puppeteer in today's wintry economic climate.


When Vulcan growls, "We're all big an strong here!" as he pulls Munchausen up (revealing that Vulcan is quite short).

Chaos. Good news.
