Uma is SOOOO HOT!!

Say na'more!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I wouldn't say hot (the term is too cheap), but when I first saw this movie as a young fellah, I fell in love with her. She had an awesome, ethereal beauty in this film.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.


Cheap or not, true none the less. All of what you said too :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I was considering shutting this pile of crap off until that shell opened.


Not surprisingly the clamshell scene was the one they always showed on British TV programs during the promotional campaign.

"Who's driving this plane, Stan Butler?"


I agree. She really was hot in that scene.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



Incidentially, she was also 17 when filming which says something about how society has changed.


Please clarify.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Earlier times it was not as uncommon to see actors under the age of 18 nude in movies as it is today. This is (of course?) true for European movies, but a relatively recent American example would be Thora Birch in American Beauty.

In 2015 it is very uncommon to see people under the age of 18 nude in movies and many people on the Internet respond to the very notion with knee-jerk accusations of child pornography.

And I get that. In a sense.

We want to protect our children, and the blossoming of the internet has rekindled our fear of the people who could potentially hurt them. And grey zones are difficult to deal with so it is easier to just jump the gun and scream than to stop and scrutinize.

Uma Thurman showing her nipple for a second or two at the age of 17 is not child pornography and people thinking that she is hot are not perverted for thinking so.

In my humble opinion.

But some people will disagree.

The age of consent varies from country to country (and from state to state) and in many cultures the shot of Uma Thurman's nipple is absolutely heinious due to the fact that had not turned 18 in time of shooting.

No one wants to be accused of child pornography, obviously, so avoiding using actors under the age of 18 for roles that require nudity is simply easier.


Thank you. I didn't even notice the nipple :0)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I don't know you from Adam but I KNOW you saw dat nip. So quit fibbing. lol

One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the twentieth century.
