Episodes Like AYAOTD

AYAOTD = Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Had this topic up before but it seems to be lost now due to IMDB's board purging, so here it is again. What episodes of TFTC remind you of AYAOTD and feel like they could've been episodes of that particular show, geared at an adult audience? Some episodes of this show that feel like AYAOTD episodes to me:

The Ventriloquist's Dummy
Korman's Kalamity
The Secret
Undertaking Palor
House Of Horror


Mournin' Mess is also a bit TFTC-like. In some ways it reminds me of an R-rated version of the AYAOTD episode, Old Man Corcoran, though the two aren't overly similar minus the cemetery setting they both have.


Let The Punishment Fit The Crime

The feel of it feels similar to AYAOTD. Even its ending.


There's an AYAOTD episode called The Wisdom Glass that in a way feels similar to that one.


Creep Course

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!


Creep Course is very AYAOTD-like now that you mention it.


yeah, it was unusually tame. although I doubt they could have gotten away with poisoning anyone on AYAOTD. :')


The scene in Creep Course where Reggie's liquified innards ooze out of him is pretty gruesome though, as was the hook through the brain at the end. In some ways it feels like an AYAOTD episode aimed at adults.


I find it interesting that both Tales and AYAOTD did a library episode ("Maniac at Large", "Tale of the Quiet Librarian"), a scarecrow episode ("Four-Sided Triangle", "Tale of the Silent Servant") an artist episode ("Easel Kill Ya", "Tale of the Unfinished Painting"), vampire episodes ("The Reluctant Vampire", "Tale of the Nightly Neighbors", for one example from AYAOTD), and werewolf episodes ("Werewolf Concerto"/"The Secret", "Tale of the Full Moon").

Any other similarly-themed episodes of Tales and AYAOTD?

"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story."-Orson Welles


Monkey's paw variants (Last Respects, Twisted Claw), restaurants/cannibalism (What's Cookin, Dangerous Soup/Gruesome Gourmets), magicians (Well Cooked Hams, Magician's Assistant), reanimating (Doctor of Horror, Reanimator), gambling (Cutting Cards, Zombie Dice), Bobcat Goldthwait (Ventriloquist's Dummy/Third Pig, Final Wish)

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!


I didn't even think about that but you're right. I got to think of other similar episodes the two shows share.
