Inspector Gadget cameo?

I heard Don Adams was on this show as Gadget for 2 episodes. I found a guest guide for all 65 episodes and it says Maurice LaMarche played Gadget. As a kid I loved Mario Bros. and Gadget and don't remember these episodes. Is there a link out there of a possible video or even pictures? If anyone has any insight on this thank you very much.


I own the Super Mario Bros Super Show box set and yes, Inspector Gadget shows up as a guest star in a Live Action Segment. I don't remember if he was in another segment but in the box set it features the segment where he shows up.

As for possible video or pictures...I gotta get back to you on that, haven't found any yet.


The box set that was recently released? I watched them all, and its the first 24 episodes. He makes a cameo around ep. 40. Unless you have a different one then mine.




I believe its Stars In Their Eyes..someone correct me if I'm wrong.



I don't know about pictures or video, but it was definitely Maurice LaMarche as Gadget. I remember it clearly because I was a fan of Lamarche, and loved his Gadget impression as well as finally seeing him on-screen rather than his usual voice acting.

-- Rob


He made 2 special appearances on "The Super Mario Brothers Super Show" it was episode 40 Defective Gadgety/Underworld Connections and episode 50 "Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn/A Hitch In The Works.



Well I did have a tape with the live action segment "Treasure of the SIerra Brooklyn" but the tape was so old and got stepped on a view times, being left on the floor, and the tape destroyed after a while. I tried to get it fixed, but I couldn't since the film on the tape, cut in half. Besides, I only had the second part, because the first part was taped over a long, long time ago. So if I still had the tape I could help you with the second part, but not the first part. Sorry about that Madde84.



Hey, puttputtking, if you still have that tape with part of SMBSS: Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn, I have a tape with the first part. Hopefully you still have it, and I can probably fix it.


Yeah, people...there's a little (but essential) problem with that.

You say it's the episodes entitled Defective Gadgetry/Underworld Connections and Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn/A Hitch in the Works that feature Maurice LaMarche. And those ARE among the episodes listed here on But none of those episodes are listed on either DVD volume of the show.

So which two of the episodes listed below are the ones with Maurice LaMarche as Gadget?

Super Mario Bros. Super Show! volume 1 DVD as listed here:

1. The Bird! The Bird!
2. Butch Mario & The Luigi Kid
3. King Mario Of Cramalot
4. Mario's Magic Carpet
5. Rolling Down The River
6. The Great Gladiator Gig
7. Mario And The Beanstalk
8. Love 'em And Leave 'em
9. The Great BMX Race
10. Two Plumbers And A Baby
11. Stars In Their Eyes
12. Pirates Of The Koopa
13. Robo Koopa
14. Count Koopula
15. Jungle Fever
16. Mario Of The Deep
17. The Fire Of Hercufleas
18. Mario Meets Koop-zilla
19. Mario And Joliet
20. Too Hot To Handle
21. Brooklyn Bound
22. The Adventures Of Sherlock Mario
23. Hooded Robin And His Mario Men
24. Toad Warrior

Super Mario Bros. Super Show! volume 2 DVD as listed here:

Disc One: "The Pied Koopa," "Bad Rap," "Mario & The Red Baron Koopa," "Mighty McMario & The Pot Of Gold," "Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa…?," and "The Mark of Zero." (Note: Yes, "Bad Rap" is one long rap. Oh, my head.)

Disc Two: "20,000 Koopas Under The Sea," "The Koopas Are Coming! The Koopas Are Coming!," "Quest For Pizza," "Karate Koopa," "Elvin Lives," and "Koopa Klaus."

Disc Three: "The Ten Koopmandments," "The Provolone Ranger," "The Great Gold Coin Rush," "Mario Of The Apes," "Crocodile Mario," and "Plumbers Academy."

Disc Four: "Princess, I Shrunk The Mario Bros.," "Flatbush Koopa," "Raiders Of The Lost Mushroom," "Star Koopa," "Escape From Koopatraz," and "Little Red Riding Princess."



Here is the clip:

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!
