No more Apu

Hank won't voice him. Fuck. u Disney


Because stopping a character you've been doing for 30 years makes all the difference in the world now, Hank.


What a joke. Not that I have watched The Simpsons in years, but Apu is one of the iconic characters from its (long ago) heyday. This is a futile gesture now.


It's Akira's turn to shine now.


It really should be "fuck you PC culture".


Absolutely. They won't be happy until comedy is an endangered art form.


If you want to make people laugh you can always drop your pants!


What about Fat Tony? Surely the Italians are screaming about his stereotypical mob portrayal? What about Bumble Bee man? Latins must be up in arms. How about our protectors in blue? Having a pig-like dim witted doughnut scarfing police chief must be addressed. The Holy Rollers must hate Ned Flanders Christian character. And really, are all Scots hot headed soccer nuts who wear no underwear???

20 years from now, EVERY Simpsons will have to be politically cancelled.


Doesnt seem right....screw you political correctness and liberals


They should still have him, but inexplicably have his character speak Californian surfer 'bro/dude' English.

I'd watch that!


They been stopped using apu for years before Disney bought out Fox.
