Top 5 Best Episodes

For me...

Last Exit to Springfield
Summer of 4 Ft. 2
Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Lisa vs. Malibu Stacey
Lisa on Ice

Honorable Mentions: Marge vs. the Monorail, Mother Simpson, Cape Feare.


My favorites, in no particular order:

- Homer's Enemy
- Bart Sells His Soul
- Bart vs. Australia
- Brother From Another Series
- The PTA Disbands






Five more, in no particular order:
- You Only Move Twice
- Hurricane Neddy
- Homer at the Bat
- The City of New York vs Homer Simpson
- Bart's Comet


Bart of Darkness
Lisa on Ice
Bart´s Comet
Burn´s verkaufen der kraftwerk
You only move twice


King Sized Homer - So many literal LOL moments.

Selma's Choice - Remember when The Simpsons said something about the human condition?

Treehouse of Horror #5 - Favorite Halloween special: The Shinning, Time & Punishment, Nightmare Cafeteria.

Homer Badman - Satire that still seems relevant decades later.

Homer Goes to College - Perfectly deconstructs Hollywood's take on college.


The entire Season 04 especially Duffless.


For me the 5 best episodes are in no particular order

Cape Feare
Homer Alone
The Itchy And Scratchy Movie
Bart The Daredevil
Flaming Moe's


Homer's Phobia (S.8 ep.5) - Hilarious episode and John Waters is still my favourite guest voice appearance of any season.

"You know me, Marge. I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals FA-LAMING!"

Mother Simpson (S.7 ep.8) - The most touching of all Simpsons episodes, the final scene of Homer sitting on the car staring into the night sky after losing his mother again is truly poignant.

"Only one member of the Springfield Seven was identified. She's been described as a woman in her early 30's, yellow complexion, and may be extremely helpful. For Channel Six News, I'm Kenny Brockelstein."

El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer) (S.8 ep.9) - Trippiest episode ever and love Johnny Cash as the space coyote.

"Hello? Is this ...uh... G B M? Uh, yeah. I read in the personals you were seeking a soulmate. Well, I also like rainy days and movies. Uh-huh ... [apprehensively] uh, no, I don't like that ... or that ... No, it's not that I'm afraid. [now speaking very quickly] I'm gonna hang up now, bye-bye!"

Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner? (S.11 ep.3) - groin grabbingly good!

"Homer, he's out of control. He gave me a bad review. So my friend put a horse head on the bed. He ate the head and gave it a bad review!"

D'oh-in' in the Wind (S.10 ep.6) - one of the most perfect satires of 60s counter-culture.

"Fine. I guess the juice business is more important than the ideals our hippie forefathers refused to go to war and die for."
