Marge's resume

just re-watched this episode on TV, her interview with Smithers is amazing

"Oh, I thought Muddy Waters wrote that song"
"I guess my Swahili's not as good as yours.."

ahahah love it


According to your resume, you invented this machine.

Also creepy
"you don't need to sue me to get my pants off"


lol! yes


Marge... We're getting some drive through and doin it twice!


Mr. Burns: "You have a husband? Yes. I can picture him now: Rugged good looks, sweater knotted about his shoulders, curly locks shining in the sun like spun gold!"

Marge: "Homer, Mr. Burns gave me another raise today"

Homer (Italian accent): "Haha! The senile old fool!"


Marge: You put I worked for the Carter Campaign?
Lisa: Well you voted for him..... twice.
Marge: SHHHHH, don't say that out loud.
