MovieChat Forums > Ranma ½ Discussion > will there be a final ranma movie?

will there be a final ranma movie?

I read it somewhere(so maybe it's not true) but...


It's doubtful. The company that was adapting Ranma to animation went under in the mid-90s.


Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


Wel.. there are some Ranma 1/2 movies. There is one in which Akane is kidnapped and taken to China, another one in which all the girls are taken to an island and all the guys try tu rescue them, and one with a 7-headed dragon. Those are the ones I know that exist, dunno if there are more.


Team Ranma vs. the Legendary Pheonix is actually concidered a movie, though it is no longer than any episode...maybe 26-30 minutes, which is why it is commonly mistaken for one of the OAV's. This is according to "Rumic World", the website dedicated to Rumiko Takahashi (creator of Ranma).

But as of right now there are only 2 official movies:
Ranma 1/2 The Movie: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China
Ranma 1/2 The Movie 2: Nihao, My Concubine

The first does not put emphasis on comedy, which is why it's not concidered very high in the majority of Ranma fans. It's still good, with parts of comedy, but it is a more serious story than what was seen during the anime run. The second is the best of the 2, while again, comedy takes a small back seat, there is conciderably more than the first. Though both have pretty much the same storyline. There is a scene in the second in which there is a short fight between Mousse and the bird-man over who will have Shampoo. One of THE greatest fight scenes of the franchise, bar none, and really helps push Mousse's character as more than just a walking joke.

There are 11 OAVs (Original Animated Videos) in total. The 7-headed Dragon episode is called "Reawakening Memories (Part 1 & 2)". It is an OAV but by far one of the best stories of the franchise. Very emotional. Highly recomended...especially part 2.


both movies were pretty good

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I liked them a lot equally.
