favorite character?

just wondering for those who have seen the entire series... whos your favorite character from the children?
ill list the ones i mean

Jill Pole

just curious :)


I was always a Peter fan. He was the bravest, and he ripped into Edmund when he was being a loser in LWW.

Along those lines, I could never shake the "brat" image of Edmund and Eustace when they were first introduced, so I never liked them. Susan looked like a dude I knew, so that freaked me out, and Lucy was...just Lucy I guess. Jill Pole was only in one movie, so she can't even count.


Actually, maybe because of the "brat" thing, i kind of liked edmund and eustace best of all...it might be the sap in me that likes to see the best come out of people you wouldn't have expected it from...the whole repentance thing...i always liked lucy when i was a kid though..she's that blond curly headed kid your mom wants you to be...susan i always found annoying as all hell, and i always found peter kind of bossy..that's it i guess...


I liked Eustace best.

"Bleep...bleep...bleep...You have 500 new messages." (Dialtone)


Well. I grew up with these shows.The first one i watched was Voyage of the Dawn treader and instantly fell for Edmund. And despite him being less then likeable in LWW, i still thought of him as my fav because he redeems himself. Everyone who has said it, you are totally right - Peter was just 'too good'.

so basically - Edmund is my favourite



I like Edmund, especially in VOTDT.


Edmund i guess.
The best character in the WHOLE crew is Aslan.



Susan was the coolest she was the only smart one out of the bunches of morons. Jill was a crybaby. Susan Pevensie: Why are they all staring at us?
Lucy Pevensie: Maybe they think you look funny.


I identify most with Jill, especially as she is in the books.

My favorite is probably Eustace, though. He made me laugh in Dawn Treader, and in Silver Chair, he finally seemed mature, as if he went through growth, but he could still be funny at times.


In the BBC movies def either Jill or Eustace.

The Pevensie kids are a pain in the ass.
