video? DVD?

Hello, thought I'd start a topic, if anyone even comes here:

I've got the first three episides on video - and they only ever released one more video (also containing 3 episides). Whats with that?! There were 4 series and a christmas special!
Anyone else think it'd be ace if they released them on DVD? It's easily one of / the best thing to have appeared on childrens TV.


I've got the same vid!! It has just been forgotten by most hasn't it? It's an instant Friend maker of a conversation topic! Remember the theme tune? Yeah, I'd by a dvd of it!


Damn right, they repeated them on tv a few years ago, i remember that much - nearly died laughing on some of them. I'm amazed anyone bothered replying cause i left that message ages ago! Yes - i remember the theme tune, and without fail every year on pancake day - i think you know where i'm going with this - the "p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day" song is uttered at least once...

Arrrrr! Squidy!


My favourite was the episode with the crazy man shouting "I'm so funny, I'm so funny, I'm so funny like a big fat bunny!" Get your act together and do something more with this gem BBC, damn you!



I hope its released on DVD soon as well. I was suprised to read there were only 4 series I thought it was alot more


I'd love a DVD of this too.

It wasn't *that* long ago that CBBC repeated it (2 years?) so they *must* know there'd be an audience for it.




The fans around the world are trying to get it released on DVD. We actually have Tony Robinson and David Lloyd (Graeme) sort of supporting us in this!

The link to where the fans hang out. It's insane, we *know* that lots of people love/loved the show, yet obviously they don't know where to find other people who are interested.


It is shocking that this hasn't been released yet!

The theme song is an extremely popular nostalgia download, haha! So many people light-up when you mention the show to them, it is a classic. And quite uncommon, a kid's show funnier than 90% of prime-time sitcoms.

I've got that old video too, and I've never tired of it, though it's tired of being watched and demands to be replaced by a DVD, preferrably with some lovely extra features.

I mean, they release unintelligible guff like 'Boobahs', 'Tweenes' and 'Teletubbies' on DVD, but not this...


A DVD must be released forthwith,otherwise this worksop resident will travel to london and throw mud at the BBC building untill they get their finger out (of wherever they have it inserted).A big ba***rd 4 or 5 disc boxed set would do nicley.


:D that'd be sooo cool.
Ooooo oooo! You really should go to London, and take pictures of yourself throwing mud at the building. I'd love to see those pictures. bwahahaha - hang out for writers, artists, actors, musicians, etc.


Contacted the BBC a few months ago and asked if they had any plans to release it as a DVD:

Dear Adam,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Unfortunately Maid Marion and Her Merry Men is not currently available on
DVD through BBC Shop and we are unaware of any plans to release this title
in the near future.

BBC Shop is committed to giving customers access to the complete range of
product published by BBC Worldwide and in order to view the complete range
please go to

So what now?


Tony Robinson (writer, and Sheriff) is working on it. There ARE plans to release it, it's just not in production yet. - hang out for writers, artists, actors, musicians, etc.
