Indians that shoot Gus

I have not read the book, maybe it is mentioned in it, but which indians shoot gus in the leg


Blood Indians


Thanks. I´ve never heard of such indian nation before, I´m not from US or Canada, and I don´t remember they were mentioned in any western, so at first, I tought You were kidding, but I checked on the net, there are such indians. Thank you very much


I got my book out and checked it just to be sure I remembered correctly. Hugh Auld told it Gus that it was Blood Indians that shot him. I read a lot of westerns and have many historical books about the West, and I had never heard of Blood Indians until I read Lonesome Dove.


They were the Blood Indians, who were also called the Kainai, and were closely related to the Blackfeet. In fact I'm pretty sure they were considered to be one branch of the Blackfeet.

The attack on Gus and Pea Eye was said to be near the Musselshell River, which in real life was considerably far south of the Bloods' primary range in present day Alberta, Canada. But given their affiliation with the Blackfeet its probably not that far fetched that they ventured that far south at various times. But generally the area where Gus and Pea Eye was attacked was more Hopi and Crow territory than Blood.


Just so you know, the Hopi are an Arizona tribe, not a Montana one. Likely the Indians they came across would have been Blood (as stated in the novel and in the miniseries), or Blackfoot...possibly Lakota who hadn't yet made it into Canada during their pursuit by Gen. Crook following Little Bighorn. An outside chance would be Northern Cheyenne.

"It's a hard country, kid."
