Favourite Quotes

SBS Reporter: "Not even horses could drag me away from that one"

(On Dumb Street) *Slaps ,,and other lady's head turns in different direcion* "Sorry MAATe"


'Shut-up everyone...I can hear smoke!-Bobby, Dumb Street in Fast Forward

GiNa rILeY'S #1 fAn eVeR To lIvE...=D


"But Barbie has something Trish doesn't have. A VAGINA" LOL



"She wouldn't be in that wheelchair if you hadn't given it to her!"
"Hello bastards"
"You stick with me and you'll always be in the black"
"Oh Victor, you are very unattractive man"
"Just look for the big pair of legs with the steel balls between them"
"Don't worry budgie bottom"

Cause of parents death?
They got in my way....


I can't quite rememeber it exactly, but there was a Dumb Street when Bobby said something like, "Questions, questions, questions, it's not my fault if I'm adopted"

"I don't keep typing paper in the closet!"
