This show was dumb

This show was retarded and the characters were so dumb and corny, especially Simon Belmont and Kid Icarus. And Kevin, with that pause button where he could make everything freeze, with a weapon like that the war against Mother Brain would be over in seconds! But Kevin was just too dumb to know how to use it properly. Oh well, this isnt the first dumb cartoon and it wont be the last.


Meh it served its purpose to get kids to beg their parents to buy the games promoted on the show.


Some episodes even showed you tips on how to get through a particular game.


I could be wrong, but I thought "Video Power" did that.


If some kid begged his parents for Castlevania, he would be confused that it doesn't have the character from the show in it. Same with Mega Man.


Never confused me.


You are the biggest idiot ever. If he could just freeze everything and defeat Mother Brain then there would be no point in having the show! That's like saying "How come in the Simpsons Homer doesn't just beat Mr. Burns over the head with a golf club until he dies and takes his job for the rest of the series. First off cartoon are went to establish a premise and by the end of each episode to have everything back to normal and the way it started. Killing Mother Brain the main villian would mean that they would have to make a new villian every episode. Besides you are rationalizing the cartoon WAY too much. It's a cartoon, from the late 90's/early 90's. It's based on video games. What the hell do you expect?


thank you. finally an intelligent person has stepped in. Hey kered is captain n any good? I plan on picking it up on dvd when it comes out later this month. I have super mario super show season 1 and 2 and havent gotten around to 2 yet. will i like captain n? Also do you think a new captain n created today with the new tools we have today would be a good idea (if the producer did everything right)?


If you like the Super Mario Bros Super Show then you'll probably like Captain N. I say pick it up.


Yes, but he did infact have the ability to freeze everything and should have been able to use it to easily defeat Mother Brain. Thus it follows that the show had no point. Including the pause button is an example of what we call a major plot hole which very indicative of bad writing. Yes, it was a video game based cartoon form the early 90's but the early 90's had several VG based cartoons and most of them were much more well writen than Captian N. This show was bad even for an early 90's VG based cartoon.

As to the Homer Simpson question I must ask "what age are you living in?" In the buisness world one does not obtain a higher position by killing his boss. Sometimes I wish it did work that way but it does not. I know that the Simpsons isn't the real world but even in the Simpsons there is law enforcement and murder is considered a crime. So the answer is that Homer would go to prison and likely get the death penalty. Moreover Homer is not the most moral person in the world but I think he is above murder. So there is a very logical reason why Homer doesn't kill Mr. Burns. However, in the Nintendo world no one would punish Kevin for killing or capturing Mother Brain, therefore there is no logical reason for Kevin not to use the pause button to defeat her. The pause button was just a very bad plot device and an insult to the intelligence of every viewer, even young children deserve more credit than that.


To the guy who hated Pit and Mega Man, Ruby/Speare (S/p?) version of the Mega Man series is around the corner if you wanted bada**. Although those shows weren't as accurate to the games either. I liked them when I was a kid though, still do *has DVDs of both seasons*.


Amen!!! Testify my brother!!!! I agree that this was a horrible, horrible show. There just are not proper words in the English lauange to convey my disdain for "Captian N the Game Master." First off it commited character assination on so many classic Nintendo characters. Mega Man and Pit from Kid Icarus (That's right his name is PIT not Icarus!!) could have easily been portrayed and bad a$$ warriors and all round cool characters but instead were reduced to cutesy sidekicks each with an anoyance factor that could rival Scrappy Doo. No one with an intellect above that of a two year old could possibly be entertained by Mega Man's chronic use of the adjetive "Mega" or Icarus' anoying habbit of ending every word with "icus." Moreover, Simon Belmont, who conventional wisdom tells us should be a dark, gothic type hero was instead portrayed as an arrogant, blond and somewhat cowaredly pretty boy. There was definitely more of Beverly Hills than Transalvania in this abomination, it was a thougth one of the Back Steet Boys had decided to pick up a whip. And yes, the whole pause button issue really bugged me as well, I though the exact same thing as you, why doesn't he just hit pause, march right up to the Mother Brain's fortress, beat the snot out of her and be done with it. Obviously the inclusion of the pause button was not very well thought through. The sad fact of the matter is that this show had the potential to be something great but they took it in completely the wrong direction. They basically dolled out a show with a ridiculious premise, hacknied plot lines and cutesy steriotyped characters and relied totally upon the presence of familiar video game characters (familiar in name anyway) to sell the show. Unfortunally enough people fell for it to keep the show on for 3 excrusiating seasons. For shame.



Yeah, go watch Angela Anaconda this show kicks butt. I didn't like it either. most voices screwed up too.

Hi I'm 9 years old so I'm a kid

Worse actres Anna paquin.


The show hasn't aged too well, but that doesn't mean it's "dumb" or a bad show. For the sheer nostalgia factor, it's worth checking out. Just don't come in expecting some all-serious, totally-accurate show.

"Why do celebrities think we want to watch them play poker?" -Hank Hill
