The Memories

I remember watching this cartoon, the Zelda Cartoon and The Mario Brothers Cartoon when I was little kid. These cartoons were awesome, and ruuning into this imdb site makes me want to watch them again.

I remember on Captain N my Favorite Episode was the one where they were in Tetris Land. It was funny because the cars had Square wheels on them. And another favorite episode was any thing with Dr. Wily creating his robots to attack Mega Man. Mega Man was like my favorite videogame back in the Nintendo days.

And another one of my favorite episodes was when they are extremely small and end up inside someone's body. I don't remember which body it was. I don't think I ever got to watch all the episodes of this of Captain N.


I'm in the same boat as you man. I watched all the same shows when I was a kid, Zelda was so good when I was a kid, same with Captain N, and the Super Mario Bros. Super Show with Captain Lou Albano as Mario. Fantastic!!!

You can buy Captain N seasons 1 & 2 on amazon or Ebay, same with the Legend of Zelda cartoon and I believe the Super Mario cartoons. (I have the Zelda and Captain N ones) But I have heard nothing about a release of the 3rd season of Captain N (the seasons i bought of Captain N say that it is the entire series, this might be because the other season was part of the Captain N and Mario Hour long show) Does anyone know differently? Are they going to release the rest of the Captain N series? If not does anyone know a place to DL it?

"Is America ready for a black president? Why not, they already had a retarded one" - Chris Rock


Sorry, I think the Captain N and Super Mario Bros was a half hour.

"Is America ready for a black president? Why not, they already had a retarded one" - Chris Rock


When it was ran together with Super Mario World the two of them put together were a half hour.


Pick up netflix people, I've got Captain N (seasons 1 and 2, and 3 with Mario World), Sonic the Hedgehog (the one based on the comic), Super Mario Bros Super Show, and Super Mario 3 all being rented, albeit one at a time.

reply - Captain N is there along with many other cartoons.
