is this show on the web?

is there anywhere to watch this show? i haven't seen it since i've been a wee lad and it would mean so much if some one could tell me where i could watch this.


Yea I second that motion. Cpt N and super mario bros. where my shows back in the day



everything's on the net if you know where to look


I have it on isonews but ZERO seeders


There are some Captain N videos at But some videos are very bad quality


Most of the episodes are not great quality.

I have all the episdoes.

They are between bad to slightly better condition.

There is only room for 1 snake


There's a DVD release slated for early next year, so you may not have to find it on the web.


I put up all the episodes of Captain N plus the Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World on Youtube. It's EXCELLENT QUALITY. Here is a link to my prfile:

Check all the way in the back for Captain N episodes


Yeah, I was about to say that there are many, many, MANY Captain N episodes up on Youtube. Now, I'm 15 years old and the show came out a couple years before I was born. I'm a complete game freak and when I heard about this show I decided to check it out. Quite possibly the best Nintendo advertising scheme I've seen. Right up there with The Wizard. ;)

