Green Figure

In The Opening Sequence After Kevin Has Been Sucked Into The TV

A Strange Green Figure Appears And Reaches Out

Does anyone Know Who This Supposed To Be ?

Please Reply


Princess Lana's father perhaps?



It's the other side of the TV. That's Kevin being "digitized" if you will.


It can't be Kevin. Kevin was sucked in head-first.

The green figure came out of the TV head-first.

Then we see Kevin falling through the warp, face-down, as he should be.

The green figure can't be Kevin.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


Because the green figure isn't Kevin who is it


It was never explained.

My guess is a hologram meant to dissuade anyone else from jumping in after Kevin.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


Does Anyone else have any ideas on who it could be ?


I figure it was Kevin as well, it's him coming through the other side ... head first as you pointed out.

Nothing is any good if some one else likes it


Wow, for years I always wondered who or what that green figure that came out of the tv screen was supposed to be. The thought never even crossed my mind that it was the REVERSE side of the screen, and that it was Kevin entering Video Land! But it makes perfect sense now. :P

The only other explanation could be that it was a "doppelganger" stand-in, sent through to take Kevin's place while he was in Video Land (ala the beta unit in The Last Starfighter). Of course they never mention that in the show though, so...


I mean if it's something meant to stop more people from coming in, it does a lousy job because Duke jumps right in.

Somehow I don't picture the writers making it where Kevin's Mom shows up to wonder why Kevin isn't answering his calls and there is a snarling green figure leaning out of the TV and Kevin and Duke are nowhere to be seen.

Honestly, I'm surprised to learn there was ever a debate about this.

Nothing is any good if some one else likes it




It's Kevin digitizing/pixelating turning into a cartoon/video game character. You see behind him to back of the tv screen. or the shape of it anyways.
