MovieChat Forums > Captain N: The Game Master (1989) Discussion > A new captain n type show but with moder...

A new captain n type show but with modern games.

It wouldn't really be captain n but something simillar to it. It would have Characters like Master chief from Halo, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy characters and any other kinda characters. Yes i know it sounds stupid but it could be intresting if they did something like that.


Wouldn't it be kinda violent with today's M-rated games? Besides, you'd go broke paying the licensing fees to the game companies.



For once, there's something I can agree with, though the title would probably be called Super Smash Bros: The Anime Series. Yeah, I know it's sounding stupid, but listen is what could have been if it was made canon (instead of my fanon stuff). For now, I'll give out three examples:
1. The main good guys (at least a few mentioned) would be not only Kevin, but also the Mario Bros, Ash with Pikachu, Megaman, and Kirby (though for the latter, it may probably take place after his anime series ends)
2. Something like adaptions of video games themselves (Which includes the Subspace Emissary plot) and somewhat of a great big rewrite of Super Mario Bros. movie which would actually make sense\
and 3. Character development for both sides that would make most of the characters likable (save for villains like Gannondorf or Dimento).

At least, that's my opinion anyway...don't bash me for this idea.


Here's what I've got for the characters' personalities:

1. Being a kick-ass bounty hunter, Samus Aran should not be a damsel-in-distress character (unless it's part of her plan to discover the enemies' secrets or something). She *does* have a mild weakness for cute things, however. It's one of the reasons (though not the main one) that Pikachu and Kirby are on the good guys' team. (And now I have a mental image of the animators trying to get away with showing her hugging those round, chubby, cuddly guys to her chest for a "big boobs" effect. :D)

2. One of the things that bugged me about Simon Belmont was that for a vampire hunter, he got portrayed as cowardly a lot. Here's what I think would be more interesting: Whoever's the team badass (someone like Solid Snake or Captain Falcon) has an interesting philosophy on the whole bravery/cowardice thing: if courage is the ability to face whatever scares or threatens you, then the less dangerous something is, the less *point* there is in being brave. (After all, *real* cowards have no problem with harming the defenseless!)

This could lead to an interesting character who'll face an army of dragons armed with only a butter knife and a bring-it-on-tough-guy attitude, but will comically freak out when something resembling the threat-of-the-episode leaps out at the end of the show, only for it to turn out to be Kirby in disguise. :D


I was thinking about this just a while ago when I popped my Captain N DVD into my player and was watching a few episodes. I think it would be hard to dupilcate this nowadays considering the style of Captain N. Maybe a bit during the SNES(would've loved to see some SNES games featured on Captain N), but considering the character design style, Captain N was allowed to reimagine certain video game worlds and characters because, quite frankly, NES game graphics were so simple, you could imagine nearly anything from the sprites. It fit back then, because what the worlds of, say, Final Fantasy or Faxanadu looked like was up to interpretation. Anybody could come up with their take on those worlds because how simply they were represented. Nowadays, games like those are represented, graphically, more to fit with the creator's idea vision of what they want those world and characters to look like, and gamers are more familiar with these types of looks. Totally re-imagining these games for a new Captain N would no doubt put people off.

Of course, it's strange, back in the day, that it seems licensing was more looser than it is now. Maybe not as beneficial to the artists, but I still think it was an awesome time for US, the viewers and gamers. I mean, you could NEVER do that kind of thing again because all the legal trouble. Back in the day, I thought it was soooo cool to see Simon Belmont, Kid Icarus, Mega Man, Link and such all together. Damn, what the 80s did, so many people rag on it for being fluff, but it didn't take itself seriously and knew how to have fun. It seems, now with money issues to the umpteenth degree, everybody's got a legal stick up their asses, get too offended with everything and are just dying to sue the pants of each other just for that extra wad of cash. It's basically the reason why we'll never see DVD releases of Kids Incorporated, Kidd Video and Muppet Babies. Nowadays, you'd ask someone who didn't live back there if such a thing was possible and they'd probably logically state that it's not, because there's too much legal junk to sort through. But, back in the 80s, it WAS possible. The impossible WAS possible!!


possible new captain n team

pit- kid icarus
ness - earthbound/mother or fox mccloud- starfox
link- legend of zelda
and possibly ike from fire emblem
