Music and Sound Effects

Just curious--Am I the only one who noticed how top-notch the music (first season by Haim Saban & Shuki Levy; seasons 2 & 3 by Mike Tavera) and the sound effects were (first season by "Zound FX" and then credited as Bill Koepnick in season 2, although I believe this person or company is one in the same) for CAPTAIN N?

In fact, Mike Tavera is also credted for "orchestration and arrangement" for the first season which is probably why the music quality doesn't change all that much for seasons 2 & 3.

After episode 18, "The Trouble with Tetris," it appears Zound FX/Bill Koepnick no longer does the sound effects as they are MUCH...more pedestrian. (Budget cuts? No idea.)

I grew up with this series, and I enjoyed it very much--watched all three seasons of it as it aired on NBC. Although the animation quality dipped a bit by the third season, it was still nice to see and hear the N Team whose cast stayed the same, unlike so many cartoons on Saturday morning.

Haters can hate all they want, but I still love this--and yes, Simon was awesome. (What's so "disrespectful" about making a hero character obnoxious? These characters had very little backtory in 1989, and Simon was great comic relief. Also, it was obvious he was a hero too when the chips were down.) Alas, I digress a bit...

Sound effects and music for this series--any thoughts?
