MovieChat Forums > Captain N: The Game Master (1989) Discussion > Anybody else want to kick Kevin (Captain...

Anybody else want to kick Kevin (Captain N's) a$$?

Not sure about you guys, but I hated Captain N/Kevin...he was a cocky little bastard and hardly deserving of being a "master"...I really wanted that Bully guy "captain M" to kick his cocky a$$ in that one episode. And it was quite evident that despite Simon Belmont being the "overly cocky" one, he could kick N's a$$ if he really wanted to!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


He wasn't cocky; he was a teen, and he was learning...about becoming the hero that the Ultimate Warpzone had predicted while growing up a bit, himself. He wasn't perfect, and that's what made him a believable character.
