Favourite episode?

Whats your favourite episode of Blackadder Goes Forth?

Is it Captain Cook where Baldrick comes up with the idea to be cooks, with one problem, he can't cook?

Or is it Corporal Punishment when Blackadder is ignoring orders and shoots General Melchots favourite pigeon, Speckled Jim, and is sentanced to death by firing squad?

What about Major Star where Blackadder has to organise a concert and his leading lady is George, and Melchot falls in love with him?

Or Private Plane, where the wars best flyer crashes and starts showing off to Blackadder and crew. Ending in the crew joining the royal flying core and Blackadder and Baldrick being caught and kept prisoner.

What about General Hospital where George gets injured and there is a spy in the hospital, resulting in Blackadder being sent to investigate and gettting his way with the nurse.

Or what about the last episode, Goodbyeeee!, where there are orders for Blackadder and crew to go over the top, Blackadder trys to get out of it by pretneding to be mad, but this fails resulting in a sad end for all the crew, Blackadder, Baldrick, George and even Darling who is reluctantly sent to the final fight.

Whats your favourite?



Difficult to choose but mine would probably be Corporal Punishment.

The scene when Blackadder is in court with George as his defense lawyer and Melchett as the judge is hilarious.


private plane.... rik mayall.....




General Hospital

"i suppose he went to one of the great universities, Oxford, Cambridge.......Hull"

"i've got to admire your balls sir".....maybe later


Private Plane , I love Flasheart hes hilerious!! but also I cant go past the last episode it was very moving at the end



Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.


I am shocked it took so long for someone to choose this.

Yes, the others are hilarious and catchy in their own right, as Blackadder episodes, but this episode is one of the greatest TELEVISION episodes in GENERAL, EVER.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/aps87


Right??? It hits you in ALL the feels.

You mean Jack Kelly? Yeah, he was here. But he put an egg in his shoe and beat it.


Just watched the all 6 episodes on DVD for perhaps the third time (I need to get a life, LOL).

General Hospital would have to be my personal favorite, followed closely by Corporal Punishment and Goodbyeee!

Just noticed that apart from Goodbyeee!, all of the episode titles incorporate an army rank: Captain, Corporal, Major, Private, General. I guess this was intentional on the part of Messrs Curtis and Elton.

I love all of the Blackadder series: II and Forth are my personal faves.


Private Plane BY FAR....Flashheart had me dying every scene

"Well I'm a mushroom-cloud laying motherfu*ker, motherfu*ker"


Corporal Punishment for me. "Fetch the black cap, I'll be needing it" really cracks me up.


Corporal Punishment.


Definately Goodbyee
Saw it again last night for the first time in ages.
Still quite an emotional ending, especially Blackadder's final line



Corporal Punishment.

"We didn't receive any messages, and Captain Blackadder definitely did not shoot this delicious plump-breasted pigeon!".


Baldrick, I love you! I want to kiss your cherry lips and nibble your shell-like ears. I'm free!


Corporal Punishment. So many great lines, particularly with the Firing Squad.
"Any spots in particular you'd like us to aim for?"
"Right above me head would be nice."


Goodbyeee is my favourite episode. The best ending to a comedy ever.

Private Plane is a close second. Because of Flashheart, he's so funny! But they're all good eps. This is the best series of Blackadder.


Private plane and the last episode.


While I love every episode, I would have to say the last one. Not only are the final moments very moving, I used a couple of minutes from that episode during my university dissertation to show how comedy can come from characters isolated together. Even out of context of the rest of the episode, the scene in question got a lot of laughs.
