
The episodes featuring Hobie remind me of what it was like when we were kids around 10-12. The things some of us too for granted: Being free to roam around, as long as we were home by a certain time. I hate thinking that in these times things would be different. Obviously Hobie knew how to care for himself, and I have no issues with this. However, I have no doubt CPS or any potential neighbors would give Mitch a hard time for having Hobie home alone for any length of time, or roaming around town/the city by himself, at that age, if "Baywatch" was in present day.

How I miss the good ol' days when people were less paranoid and any crazies were fewer and further between!


It's only paranoia if the threat doesn't exist


Watching the season 1 credits on you Youtube, I was shocked to see he was played by Brandon "JT Lambert" Call (for that season only)!

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


I preferred Brandon Call as Hobie than Jeremy Jackson. The season 1 character seemed much less annoying and I think Brandon's acting was better too.

