Only 22 episodes?

Man, my memory must suck, cause as a kid, I though it lasted longer than that. The baby and everything was in that one season? Wow.


I was crushed when this perfectly formulated show was cancelled. HOW crap like Buffy and Angel got past 1 episode is beyond me. Look at crap like plastercine heads in Farscape lasting more than one season. Space Above And Beyond is another example where a fine show goes under after one season. Dark Horizon was a superb follow up though. When is it on dvd??


Oh look.

Another user who uses IMDb and yet doesn't know how to use it apparently.


Works fine for what I need it for. Have a pretty good record of readers who find my comments useful too....


I was just trying to point out that the movies have been available for almost a year now.

This information is definitely available through IMDb.


Don't think they're available in Europe yet bud. Will have a good look. don't really want them on Region 1, or NTSC either. PAL is far superior


Whoa! Speaking as a "Buffy" addict and an "Angel" fan, I take offense (not really)... I loved "Alien Nation" AND the aforementioned shows... "crap" is in the eye of the beholder, hon...

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.



I though Buffy was going to be stupid. Then I actually watched it. I was wrong. Really, really, wrong. That was a hell of a good show. Angel wasn't quite as good, but the characters (and the actors) were fantastic. As for Joss's other shows, Firefly started a little slow and then quickly got BRILLIANT. And the last few episodes of Dollhouse have been mind blowing. Completely. Mind. Blowing. But Firefly and Dollhouse have suffered from the same thing Alien Nation suffered from. That would be the Fox I-don't-get-it-so-cancel-it-and-put-on-more-karaoke-shows Machine.

In fact, the cancellation of Dollhouse was actually the reason I came to visit the Alien Nation listing in the first place. I wanted to check how long ago I should have learned that Fox can't tell a good show when they see one. Twenty years, apparently. I am kicking myself that I fell for it again, and got hooked on a show they'd never give half a chance. I am just done with Fox.


The fans rallied, and Fox eventually produced five two-hour movies with the same cast through the 1990s.

Leave the gun. Take the canoles.


Ya should watch all 5 follow up movies. First and last are best. Put a kind of cap on a brilliant show


I stumbled in here hyperlinking and was just thinking the same thing. It sure seems like it lasted a little longer than just one season.


There were a few books that came out based on the show as well. I thought they were pretty true to the characters- if you wanted to read them I'd bet that they were available on places like

Jubilee: "Why does everyone say my name like it means 'shut-up'??!" X-Men #10


I hope what I read is true, that SyFy(hate that spelling) is going to put out a series. If so, I hope they get the casting as good as Fox's, Alien Nation.

If you love Cheezits 100% copy this and make it your signature.


I just saw this and I was thinking the exact same thing. Im kind of stunned. When I was watching it, it seemed to last for a long time. So much happened in one season? It was such a great show, I cant believe it got cancelled so quickly.
