
I always thought that George was just a name that Sykes gave him so as to avoid the whole thing of being called "Sam Fransisco"... So why then does even his wife call him George in the series? Shouldn't she call him Sam or even better, whatever his newcomerese name was?


Sykes gave him that name in the movie but in the tv show that was his name. They changed a few things in the show from the movie. The Fransiscos only one child in the movie and they never made mention of matt having any even though he had one in the show. I noticed the name thing too. In the show toward the end of the season Susan did call George by his tenctanease name.


They mentioned matt's daughter in the movie, she wanted him to walk her down the aisle in her wedding. In the show, she was younger and not married.


That always bugs me! Never get why the changes instead follow the facts just like they are in the film...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


There was a series of novels in the early to mid 90s. I forget the names and most of my stuff is in storage right now, so I can't look it up. But some of them were pretty good. In one of them, it is established that George/Sam had his name legally changed to George when he realized how cruel the immigration "joke" names were, and he liked the new name because it was a product of his partnership with Matt, who is by now a good friend.
