MovieChat Forums > Alien Nation (1989) Discussion > Alien language somewhat based on Russian...

Alien language somewhat based on Russian?

I mean in one episode "police" in their language is "mylytsia" as in Russian.
Also the leader of that alien church of guys who make their women pregnant is called "drevni" i.e. "The Old on, the elder" in Russian.
But first thing that made me think that way was the name of resistance organization "Udara" cause "udar", "udarit" in Russian means "to punch, to hit somebody"

And now, watching the thing again, I spotted that the slave ship was called "Gruza". in Russian "gruz" means "cargo". Also "Ahpossno", the guy from Dark Horizon. In Russian "oposno" means "danger".

I haven't spotten any other examples now... but doesn't it feel that way for people whose native or second language is Russian here.


This is a great observation. The examples you cite can't be coincidence. They probably used various methods of creating the alien language. In the DVD commentaries, Kenneth Johnson says that his daughter Julie originally created the language, and that it largely consisted of English words and names pronounced backwards. For example, the phrase repeated in the main title theme song which sounds like "Etok nasnaj, nasoose ganilpa" is the reversed names of his other daughter and his wife, Katy Johnson and Susan Appling.
