Buckshot Roberts

Buckshot Roberts has a shootout with the regulators killing Dick Brewer, but it never says whether Roberts was killed or survived. He did take shelter in the outhouse. Was the walls of that structure thick enough so that bullets couldn't penetrate or did he get shot to hell? I assume if he lived, he may have come after them again?


I'm sure he survived. Otherwise they wouldn't run away, still shooting at the barn. They left a body of their comrade laying on the ground after all.


The guy who killed Dick got shot and was dying- you could hear the thud of him hitting the ground and exhaling his last breath inside the out house but as he died, he raised his gun one last time and killed Charlie Sheen.


Roberts died there in real life and I guess is assumed to be dead in the movie


Here's a little tidbit I learned from watching the Billy the Kid doc included w/the DVD. Dick Brewer and Buckshot Roberts are buried right next to one another.

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


Billy should have truly avenged Richard's death by going in the outhouse and putting a bullet between Roberts' eyes, regardless if he was dead or not.


In a deleted scene we see that Roberts is in fact dead in the outhouse, and groans his last words: "Worst . . . bowel movement . . . ever." And after the rest of the Regulators ride off, we see that Dick has miraculously survived, the head wound being just a graze. In an epilogue, however, we learn that he has HIV and dies of AIDS.




Leave your mother out of this.


And just leave your mother well alone mutherf!cker! I've heard of keeping it in the family but that's just plain ridiculous! 


Pretty sure he was killed; otherwise he would have kept shooting at them as they fled.

History is written by the victor. History is full of liars.


he died.

In real life he was gutshot I believe and died either hours later or a day or so later.

He didn't take refuge in an outhouse, but in a building. I believe he found a mattress and layed on it to finish out the fight, and then later died on it

