MovieChat Forums > Young Guns (1988) Discussion > The shootout at the end

The shootout at the end

When the shootout is just about over Chavez gets on a horse and Steve is standing behind it, it looked like Steve was about to jump on the horse because when Chavez rides off Steve shouts "hey" if this was the case why did Chavez leave Steve there to get killed?


I'm reasonably sure Steve says "go go go!" to Chavez as if ordering him to ride away. But its not clear is it..

My own reading of it is this:

We see in the scene that Chavez falls off his horse. It seems likely that Steve helps him out somehow at this moment, but the filming doesn't make it clear to us what exactly he does - a direction/editing flaw, unfortunately one of several in the film. Steve, after helping him somehow, then shouts "go go go!", to Chavez, as he has a chance to escape.

Steve 'saving' Chavez in this way, would fit well with the character relationship that develops in the film:

The pair shake hands, forgetting their differences, though Steve is still nervous of him - Chavez disappears from the McSween house , Steve's doubts about him appear to be confirmed (in his mind of course) - Chavez returns with horses for the gang's escape, Steve cries out enthusiastically when he sees him, and thus Chavez is rehabilitated in Steve's mind - Steve 'saves' Chavez in his hour of need as if to finally bury the hatchet between the two, once and for all. Seem logical?

This, quite comical, synopsis of the movie also goes with the notion that Steve 'saves' Chavez.



The funny thing about both Young Guns Movies is the arbitrary way in which characters die, and pointless death doesn't even seem to be the point. My favorite is the depiction of Alex McSween's death, he's waving a white flag cheering on our heroes as they escape, when the army decides to open fire on the unarmed man with a machine gun, if this had come at any point other than AFTER the shootout it would have made more narrative sense, raising the stakes for our heroes.

Doc being shot in II just because Kiefer Sutherland wanted less shooting days on the picture... that's very dissapointing.


I love the movie, but Alex's death always makes me laugh rather than feel sad, because it's SO over-the-top at that point... the fight is over, and the army unload a freaking gattling gun into an unarmed man with a 'white flag'!

As you said, at any other point, shooting Alex might have made sense... but I just think the army spent all that time setting up their new gun and everyone got away before they got to use it... so they used it on McSween!

Doc's death disappointed me because A) Doc lived in real life, and B) he 'stole' Charlie's real-life death!


Steve saved Chavez rather than just ride off himself.

Actually what always got to me was how Steve was unarmed and slowly shot to death. At least Charlie got to take John Kinney with him, but Steve was just massacred.

Oh well.


actually, iirc... that's exactly how alex really died.

and historically, the end shootout was even more 'unbelievable' than the movie portrayed - (again, iirc) the outlaws all survived/escaped (and billy really was thrown out in a trunk after the house was torched). lolz.


Yep, Alex certainly wasn't shot while standing there waving a white flag nor was he gunned down by a machine gun, tis sillya nd slightly overkill lol. I believe it was rumoured he was carrying a white bit of cloth, but it's hearsay. It was dark when the men tried to run out of the house, McSween was one of the last men to run and he was shot basically because he was unlucky. He was however, said to unarmed.

Nor was Billy hurled out in a trunk or all the boys survived, it's easy to wish that was true because it is kinda awesome. A few were shot and killed or injured, one was shot and thought to be dead, left outside the house, but with help of a friend managed to hide beneath floor boards and escape death.

"Never bite into an apple without knowing what lies within..."



Alex wasn't shot by a gatling gun.

He got shot when everyone started running out of the house by one of Dolan's men


I saw it as Chavez got on the horse and rode off not realising Steve was right there,and Steve's reaction is like WTF
